I need help with this recepteur fm project

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New Member
hi everyone i'm ingineer student and i have this project and it about fm receptor
i have to study and get the equations circuits in FIG 2 and FIG 3
and i want to know the role of the resistors and capacitors


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I want to know the role of the resistors and capacitors

Do you expect us to tell you the role of each and every individual capacitor and resistor? That sounds like something you should already know, if you are an engineering student. Why do't you tell us what YOU think each one is for, and we'll help you with individual questions?
Der Strom
this is my first year.as engineering student and i want to learn more if you want to help its ok do that without greatness...... about roles of ech risistors and capacitors i know some and i don't some others
all i want to know its about equations of the cicruits
You need to learn about the basics of electronics to know what each part does in a circuit and how to design a circuit.
You also need to learn English if you want us to understand you and if you want to understand us.
ok sorry my english its so poor but i can understand you and i know the basics of electronics all i need is to give me a start an idea ...AND THANK YOU
Excuse me, mehdi999, that was very rude! If you wish to be helped, then I would recommend you don't say things like
stop sending me your stupid words @derstrom8
That is the kind of thing that can get you banned from this forum. I was simply asking an honest question--When you say you know the basics of electronics, what do you actually know? "Basics" can be a relative term. For one person, "basics" could mean you know what the discrete components are (capacitors and resistors, for example) and what they do. For another person, "basics" could be understanding which chips do what and how to use them in their "basic" circuit. You just need to specify what you consider "basics."
Der Strom
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