i need help with wireless control of a robotic arm using PIC

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Hi everybody

i m working on my graduating project. i designed a robotic arm and connected it to PC using USB. and controled it successfully with a VB software.

now i m trying to take a step forward and design i wireless control.

i designed a mobile base with diffrential DC motors and a castor wheel.

my problem is how to make a sender pic to talk wireless to a receiver pic.

the reciever pic is supposed to control 7 servo motors and 2 dc motors. it must receive 7 bytes that determine servo position and DC motor operation.

i found a very usefull code in this forum but i cant modify it to control only 8 servos instead of 33

the code is sent by "wschroeder" in this thread

can any one help me modifying this code to control 7 servos and 2 dc motors ?

here is that i plan to do with the reciever pic

1- receive 7 bytes of data ( received from RF reciever).
2- first byte is a preamble ( if needed).
3- second byte is responsible of DC motors operation. it is easy, if 1 received both motors move in the same direction ( forward). if 2 recieved , both motors move in the same direction ( backword), if 3 received , both move in opposite directions ( turn left ). and if 4 received , both motors move in opposite direction ( turn right ). this is a differantial wheels.

4- the rest of 5 bytes received are used to control 7 servo motors of robotic arm. they carry a value between 0 and 255.

5- i only need 5 byte to control 7 servos because i have two joints with two servos on each. thus if one servo have a control byte value of say 140, the other byte is found using 255 - 140 ( two servos on same joint are connected in opposite direction )

i hope you can help me. i wrote alot of codes using PIC basic pro. but i recently find mikrobasic to be more powerful.
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