I need help!!

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New Member
hello everyone!
i need somebody help me checking the circuit diagram in the attachment.
The signal is 0.024V into ad620 (Actually this is load cell output signal), ad706 played the role of a voltage follower, The amplified signal from ad620 directly into mcu ATmega16L, then dispaly on the LED.
I don't know this circuit is properly connected or not. i am a new people in this area, really want get your help, thank you very much!


  • circuit.jpg
    113 KB · Views: 508

The output of the AD760 looks a though its connected to 0V.???
There maybe other errors.

Any chance of a clearer drawing , its difficult to read.
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thanks ericgibbs's reply.
the output of the ad706 will connected to AGND of the mcu.
is other errors there?
Its very difficult to read the circuit diagram you have posted.
If you post a better diagram, I will check it through for you.
hi ericgibbs,
i have posted a new diagram, can you read it? thank you very much!


  • circuit1.1.jpg
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OK, I can read that.
I will look it over.

I still dont understand the purpose of the AD706, its output pin 1 is connected to GND, you say MCU AGND, is there another MCU or do you mean the Atmega 0V.???

According to the Atmega datasheet PORTA is the analog input port not PORTB, your circuit shows the AD602 output is connected to PORTB.??
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thanks for your reply.
I still dont understand the purpose of the AD706, its output pin 1 is connected to GND, you say MCU AGND, is there another MCU or do you mean the Atmega 0V.???

i means the output of AD706 is connected to AGND of ATmega16 (the MCU in the diagram which you can see). The purpose of the AD706 is voltage follower for AD620.
According to the Atmega datasheet PORTA is the analog input port not PORTB, your circuit shows the AD602 output is connected to PORTB.??

The output AD620 is connected to PORTD2.
Can you post a diagram of the power supply for the ATmega.?
The way the circuit is drawn for the AD702 suggests the ATmega 0V gnd is 4.8V above the power supply ground.
PORTD is not an analog input.
Where did the circuit design come from.???
hi ericgibbs, thank you very much!
I have changed the circuit diagram. can you help me check it?

and i have one question:
1,yes, portA is the analog input, i should let the output of AD620 connect to PA0. but i also need PA0 working for LED display, can i let them all connected to PA0(you can see it in the new diagram)? or there have another solution?
In fact, i also need ATmega16 connect the nRF905, so i can not use the following pin for the LED display:


  • circuit3.gif
    413.1 KB · Views: 303

You cannot share that analog pin with the display lines.
Looking at the new drawing, you are going to have to re organise all the pins, so that a PORTA analog is free.
Move the LED segment lines to another PORT and use some of the PORTA pins for some of the old PORTB functions.
Its a fairly major task to reallocate the pins within the program, but I dont see quick fix..

When you post a new drawing, please remove the 'wall paper' background pattern from the drawing, it serves no purpose and makes the circuit difficult to read.
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