i need lecture in pic programing

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New Member
hi all

any lecture about pic16f84a programing ??

i wanna know if there is difference between pic16f84a and pic16f84

aoamb83 said:
hi all

any lecture about pic16f84a programing ??

i wanna know if there is difference between pic16f84a and pic16f84

there a lot of sites abt PIC programming
piclist , are some of them
there is not much difference b/n the normal and A version . pls refer the datasheets .
aoamb83 said:
hi all

any lecture about pic16f84a programing ??

i wanna know if there is difference between pic16f84a and pic16f84

Just a later silicon revision, but you really shouldn't be considering the long obselete 16F84, it was replaced by the cheaper, higher spec, 16F628, which is now the 16F628A, last century.

You might also look at **broken link removed**.
aoamb83 said:
hi all

any lecture about pic16f84a programing ??

i wanna know if there is difference between pic16f84a and pic16f84

use this link to get tutorial in **broken link removed**
The main different I see is the oscillator speeds

The PIC16F84 oscillator can run up to 10 MHz.

The PIC16F84A oscillator can run up to 20 MHz.

The PIC16F84A can use crystals up to 20 MHz, resulting in double the execution speed.

I’m not sure whether PIC16F84 is available now. Its better migrating to PIC16F628A or PIC 16F88 version which has advanced options as earlier mentioned.
A rule of thumb - if there is a PICxxx and PICxxxA, the second is usually a superset to the first and often cheaper too.
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