I need to modulate the amplitude of a 50kHz pulse

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New Member

do you have any idea how to modulate a 50kHz pulse wave form using a 1 kHz triangle wave form? Can I use a 741 for that?
try finding something that uses a PLC chip like a 566.

i've only got a modulated signal using a 741 once... and believe me, i have no idea what i did, nore was that anywhere near my desired result. ...professor was more shocked then i when he saw the scope.
modulate amplitude of 50kHz pulse

Since you said that you need to modulate the amplitude of a 50kHz pulse, I guess it's safe to assume that you mean Amplitude Modulation, right? This is no problem. But what frequency are you gonna modulate it with? Voice? Data? Music? Remeber, U can't modulate any carrier (i.e. 50kHz)
with the same frequency or higher. In fact, it should probably follow the Nyquest theorum, which is a bit less than half of the carrier frequency.

So as not to confuse you with that, don't worry bout all that jive right now.

Do you have any information about what kind of load you want to drive with this? If you can post this, I think I can come up with a way for you to be able to Amplitude Modulation yer 50kHz with no problem.





do you have any idea how to modulate a 50kHz pulse wave form using a 1 kHz triangle wave form? Can I use a 741 for that?

I am going to drive a flyback.

The idea is to generete a 0-3kV triangle wave...

By the way, I used the following circuit, and it works, except for the noise and instability.

But it works...

I hope my flyback will filter the noise, now...



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