i neeeeeeed help quikly

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New Member
my project: is to connect the pic16f877a with the nokia 6210
the problem : i don t have the circuit diagram and don t have the code to put in the micro c program

please please i neeeeeeeed ant help immediatley i may lose my project help me
How can you lose a project that doesn't exist (due to the fact that you have put none of your own work into it yet)?
Sounds like a late school project which has been sadly neglected due to other temptations (student union/cheap beer/loose women).

Why don't you have the program or circuit diagram? Show us what work you have done on this and we can help you work out problems. However, this site is not for people to get others to do their homework for them.

picbits said:
Sounds like a late school project which has been sadly neglected due to other temptations (student union/cheap beer/loose women).

TO me, those are valid temptations. Care to give any more compelling, unreasonable ones?
Norlin said:
pic16f877a - GLUE - nokia6210
there, now they're connected, hope this helps!

Wow, that helps a lot. I'd just turn that in. The instructor will really be impressed. When you get out of school, give me a call.
blueroomelectronics said:
Your e key appears to be sticking.


love it

I would have to add that a dictionary would be a handy utility to have lying around on his bench...

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