I survived again!

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Mind you, he was 28 stone at 18!!
Here in Canada we use TRUCKS (not lorries) to transport huge ROCKS (not stones) on the RIGHT (not the wrong side) side of the road.

I weigh 10.4 British Stone when I am dressed. Most is my s** organ (not my flat 6-pack belly) that gets in the way and I can't see the scale when I am not dressed.
I had to look this one up
Me too. We use kilograms in Canada and I weigh 66kg.

Now that I am retired I do whatever I want whenever I want and I eat whatever and whenever too.

OOps, I forgot to take my medications this morning. I measured my blood pressure to be too high and my pulse rate is also too high. I can barely feel my heart beating.
Then I guess my medications reduce my blood pressure, slow my pulse rate and make very strong heartbeats really well.
I heard a study done that if you stare at womens breasts for 10min a day it decreases stress levels. Maybe you should look into doing that more often
I stare at womens' breasts ALL DAY LONG and dream about them ALL NIGHT LONG!
That is why I have no stress whatsoever.


Oh so i guess he doesnt know how much energy you expend arguing about how bad the LM358 is then or else he'd have a different opinion (ha ha).

Best of luck to you for many more years to come!
There I am running far and fast, freezing, slipping and falling in the snow after having a heart attack and people think I should be calm and barely move like a zombie. But no, exercise is good for me.
I am fine now, the doctors fixed me.

Recently I was taught how to reduce my heartbeat rate by concentrating on "relax, relax and relax" and deep breathing. It also reduces my blood pressure to numbers very low. If I do it at my next doctor's appointment then he might think I am almost dead.
hi Audioguru! i want you to know that you're among the people who helped me with their postings learn few things on electronics, i value that! even though sometimes you were somewhat abrupt on your words please take good care of yourself!
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I follow a heart healthy attitude and think more because of you and Nigel.

Thank you for your open and honest truth. I'm feeling better every day.

Thank you.

Until they find an item that can be measured in your blood that indicates that a heart attack is coming (they are working on finding it) then I think doctors should give all old people a stress test (a treadmill that rises to make it more difficult) and ask about angina pain during it.

2 months before my heart attack I had a yearly checkup and I asked my doctor about the tingling in my shoulders whenever I went walking. My doctor said it was too high up to be my heart. [b[WRONG![/b], it was angina pain. But the morning of my heart attack I ran three times up and down the stairs quickly at home and had no angina pain, then suddenly had the heart attack.

If I was out somewhere away from civilization then I wouldn't be writing this now. It is wonderful that the cataracts in my blind eyes got "repaired" and my blocked heart arteries also got fixed.
audioguru the tag "well-known member" and "most helpful member" i believe it's very accurate for you, have you ever uploaded
a photo of yours to your profile? i guess many people would like to know who is that person behind the display
I am just an ordinary "cool dude". I am shy and do not want my photo on the internet.
To your surprise older people don't use social media. Some don't even have a cell phone.

Edit: Talking Electronics is another thing lol
i guess you got a facebook or tweeter account? in that case probably you're not that shy...
When I worked they gave me a cell phone. When I retired I didn't have a cell phone until my daughter got one for me (Hello Dad, can you do something for me?) and she paid for it for a few years but not anymore.
I have never Tweeted and I am not on Facebook.
Few days ago Dick Cappels (was worked on Apple) came again back here on the forum just by finding audioguru active here on the forum. He just was quit when audioguru was inactive here. May by you (AG) were in hospital in these days. It is just an example. But many more know audioguru. Many members active here just watching you active here (including me). Lots of people are happy by having audioguru with them. Your tiny careful behaviour and clever eyes on electronics teaches us LOTs. But by listening your hard and sad stories makes me really sad! I am feeling to transfer the power of my young body to you if it could be possible.

I visited lots of forums, everywhere I got audioguru which made me shocked! How much forum you are visiting each days? How you remember passwords of them each? Hehe I logged in almost many places but I only remembered the password of ETO. However ETO is the best where lots of American European engineers are engaged here. Take care!
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Don't be sad for me. I am well and happy. I am 68 years old but I act and feel like I am 38.
I love my wife, two sons, one daughter and my two dogs. I like chatting about electronics (and this off-topic), flying my electric RC model airplanes, music, movies and shopping.
I haven't built an electronic circuit for a couple of years but I have fixed a few. I haven't been on a trip for a couple of years.

I have three TVs that are all CRT and standard definition. My kids have large screen high definition TVs. I watched the price for a Sharp 80" LCD TV drop to a little less than $4000.
Don't be sad for me. I am well and happy. I am 68 years old but I act and feel like I am 38.
I have three TVs that are all CRT and standard definition. My kids have large screen high definition TVs. I watched the price for a Sharp 80" LCD TV drop to a little less than $4000.
I have just a 21" CRT TV from Samsung but I don't know about definition what it is. We paid just $170 for it. I would buy a car if I could earn $4000 instead of 80" high definition TV . I guess it looks like a movie theater. I am using rabbit ear antenna for two local TV station and a parabolic dish, Satellite receiver for few foreigner channels. But it's has just few channels from Germany, Russia etc. I never seen American channels regularly because I have no effective (expensive) cable of receiver.
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