I think I need a brain transplant

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I'm so out of the warp
I'm stuck here with no innovation.
I'm just going with the flow here in SA. Getting dumber by the day. No point in trying to innovate when all those around you don't need it
As it is , I'm already using a spoon instead of a knife and fork. Spoon easier to deal with.

See you later.

The politics scene is really going well in the UK
Oh well, not much better here. If it wasn't so sad I would be laughing my head off. Thing is Politicians are destroying everything for their own personal gain here. At least they can take nothing from me cause I've nothing left they can take. Except my brain. And they won't know what to do with that lol.

10+ years ago when I first became aware of BoJo, I thought that he would be a refreshing breath of fresh air to UK politics.

Oh dear me no, the guy is dangerous.

The whole world politics thing is a mess guys. We just gotta soldier on.

And try to keep smiling.

10+ years ago when I first became aware of BoJo, I thought that he would be a refreshing breath of fresh air to UK politics.

Oh dear me no, the guy is dangerous.

Well to be fair he put his money where his mouth is - and at least he's trying to do what he promised - he might be as crazy as Trump though
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