I think someone put rocks in my hard drive...

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I think someone put rocks in my harddrive...... or atleast thats what it sounds like.

Anyone have any input on E-machines computers? I'm leaning that direction, since this one is really old and not worth fixing. (600MHZ )
I don't really game, but I do want to be able to do simple home movie editing. I suppose most are able to do that these days though.

Im not really up on what to look for these days, so if someone can offer some input, I'd appreciate it
For movie editing I would suggest a fast machine, lots of RAM, and a MASSIVE hard drive!.
Avoid any Intel celeron machines - the low-end AMD's have always been a better choice. I think the Intel Pentium machines have improved their power issues a bit, but the mid-range AMD's are still more power efficient - they idle at room temperature, and you can put together a very quiet machine. The high end machines are all dominated by Intel's core2 parts.

I think 300GB-400GB hard drives are in the best GB/$ range right now. Visit www.newegg.com to get an idea of how much things should really cost.
Hope you've backed up that HD, because it's going to crash soon. I use to hear a lot of bad things about E-machines computers. Figured their philosphy was 'you get what you pay for, and deserve it'. Haven't heard if they improved any, but haven't been asked to fix any in a few years either...
For RAM, Windows hogs most of the basic 256 meg in bargin computers, you'll need atleast 1 gig to avoid using virtual (hard drive, which might have contributed to your current problem...). The software you use to edit, will give some suggestions on minimum and what works best. Good place to get an idea what to shop for.
I would really suggest backing up NOW!!!!!!! My 20gb EIDE hard drive started making funky noises, and windoz started freezing, so i just restarted my computer... That is when it happened... But, i replaced it with a 40gb SATA hard drive, and i am pretty happy with that (or at least i was until it got filled up completely... yes, completely...)

Luckily i had all my crap backed up on my laptop, so i didn't lose too much. Just a few data sheets... (THE WORLD IS GOING TO END!!!!)

I would suggest building a computer from scratch. That way YOU get to decide what goes in, and what is on the hard drive. Oh, and it is fun...
I backed up thismorning as soon as it started making noise. Luckly I don't have much I need on it as it is just my shop computer. Quick Books and thats about it.

Marks256 said:
I would suggest building a computer from scratch. That way YOU get to decide what goes in, and what is on the hard drive. Oh, and it is fun...

I thought about that/would like to do that, but i'm not as computer literate as I used to be. lol How hard to do is it? Do you save any money?

And how in the world did you fill a 40Gig drive? I don't think I have ever had a 5 gig full. You must have a huge movie/MP3 library.
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I thought about that/would like to do that, but i'm not as computer literate as I used to be. lol How hard to do is it? Do you save any money?

Well... I think i built my whole computer (from parts from ebay) for about $600. It IS a bit more spendy, but you get to put quality parts in it. All you need to do is buy a case, processor(AMD), mother board, ram, fans, video card(nVIDIA), sound, and if you want to "roll" with style, get a DVD burner. If you want to be "cool", DO NOT PUT A FLOPPY DRIVE IN IT!!!!!!

And how in the world did you fill a 40Gig drive? I don't think I have ever had a 5 gig full. You must have a huge movie/MP3 library.

Hmm, that is actually a very good question... I don't have much installed;

Adobe Flash player 9
Adobe Reader 7.0.8
Adobe Shockwave Player
Audacity 1.2.6
AutoCAD 2000
AVG Free Edition (7.5)
BASIC Stamp Editor v2.2.6
Battlefield 1942
BitTorrent 4.4.1
Borland C++ 5.02
Call of Duty Game of the Year Edition
Civilization III
Delta Force - Black Hawk Down
Dev-C++ 5 beta 9 release (
DVD Shrink 3.2
Eagle 4.16r1
Eagle 4.16r2
Flash Saving Plugin
FlashGet(Jetcar) 1.8
GameSpy Arcade
Google Toolbar for Internet Explorer
Google Updater
Half-Life 2
J2SE Runtime Environment (9 AND 10)
Medal of Honor Allied Assult
Microsoft Compression Client Pack 1.0 for XP
Microsoft Halo
MS office pro edition 2003
MS Usermode diriver Framework (pack 1)
Nero OEM
NVIDIA drivers
Pacific Storm
Pocket Tanks v1.1
Project64 1.6
SpectraCAD Engraver
TUGZip 3.4
VideoLAN VLC Media Player 0.8.5
Windoz IE 7
Windows Media Player 11
Word Search Puzzle Solver

Ok, my fingers hurt now... Oh, and i think "My Documents" is like 12gb... not kidding either...
I have 78 programs on my install list, I have no desire to type them all out =) I think we should drag you out and shoot you for having a basic stamp editor installed though!
What ever lets you sleep at night, hero...

Actually i deleted all of my backup stuff, and now i have 14GB of available space. With any luck i will be getting a server pretty soon...
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