I-V characteristic of diode

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New Member
i'm looking for exhibits a negative resistance characteristic diode and i can't find it i know that the diac one of them can u give me more names plz ot I-V characteristics for them i would be very happy
Mohmaed Mardan
Gunn diodes, Tunnel diodes, IMPATT diodes, other special constructs that use multiple quantum wells.

edit to add:
Sorry, the general characteristics of these devices is that they demonstrate the neg resistance at a point called the Vv ( voltage valley) where I goes down as V increases , of course theres a point where I rises again. The plot looks like a sine wave
tanx alot for answeing

HEY ENG tanx alot for ur answer but when i looked for the I-v i didn't find eany coz i have to att in my report some link or photo so would u help me :roll:
tanx freind

tanx alot my freind for ur help but realy u didn't get my point of view i need I-v chart not a report about them tanx alot for ur help
Re: tanx freind

smiller said:
tanx alot my freind for ur help but realy u didn't get my point of view i need I-v chart not a report about them tanx alot for ur help
I got your message. The report I cited has a tunnel diode v-i curve at the top. It is reproduced below. TillEulenspiegel posted a Gunn diode curve for you.
If these aren't what you are looking for, you need to be more specific.


  • tunnel_diode_v-i_curve.gif
    9.2 KB · Views: 559

hi tanx my freind that what i want but sorry i didn't see it in the 1st time that what i need tanx alot :lol:
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