I Want to build a simple tracking device....................

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Re: I Want to build a simple tracking device................

yashtherebel said:
I wanna bild a tracking dvice .HELP MEEEE
no details ... what type of tracking
search google for 'tracking transmitter'...
yashtherebel said:
I wanna bild a tracking dvice .HELP MEEEE
hi ,
i attached a simple tracking circuit diaram for u
diagrams contained in manage attachments opttions
see u again


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That simple tracking transmitter might be able to be picked-up on a very sensistive FM radio across a street!
But its RF frequency would drift so much that it would be very difficult to track.
Not much out there for a "simple" tracking device. While fictional movies and books treat it as an easy thing, in reality getting a useful range and the ability to determine the direction and distance from a receiver is quite problematic.
yashtherebel said:
I wanna bild a tracking dvice .HELP MEEEE

What do you want to track?

How far away must it work?

Do you just need a direction to the target, or do you need to position it on a map?

Why do you need a tracker in the first place?

Try googling "tracking device schematic".

Here are 2 pix of transmitters I build and sell for tracking and locating rockets to altitudes of over 20,000 feet....

They are good to over a couple of miles on the ground..


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Wanna contact Shax

I want the tracking device as offered by SHax..
I want to contact you..please provide ur ID or something
prabhatkr said:
I want the tracking device as offered by SHax..
I want to contact you..please provide ur ID or something

Left Mouse Click on Shax's name, near his avator and send him a private message [PM]
I would argue that the terms 'simple' and 'tracking system' are mutually exclusive, if tracking means the ability to ascertain range and direction or absolute coordinates, then 'simple' does not solve it.

However a GPS module with a transmitter does make for a practical solution using commercial modules and such, but I wouldn't call it a 'simple project'.

Leftyretro said:
I wouldn't call it a 'simple project'.
He wants it in 3D!
A pretty girl will jump out of the monitor screen and point to where the transmitter is located.
audioguru said:
He wants it in 3D!
A pretty girl will jump out of the monitor screen and point to where the transmitter is located.

Ha, ha, ha, that's a good one! I think you are on to something. The future of the internet is this kind of 3D contact, where a pretty girl jumps out of the monitor screen to do your bidding.
Hi, I'm a forign born...well, back in a day.. licenced ham radio operator
I do knows a little bit of solderings but lost a great deal of circuits knowleges as my age pass by...LOL
Well, right now i'm trying to build a great distances (50miles in city would be awsome!) capability Tracking device for tracking a damn bird (a hawk )...both transmitter & receiver. have you guys saw a new Movie "No country's for old man" ?
it will be looks just like that but with yagi antenna attached with receiver part.
i do not own a Oscilloscopes to check a signals.
i still believe that if i choose good freq and good signal strength suits for urban area (building signal rebounds issues) still able to track objects even in such a great distances and obstacles. perhaps, transmitter freq 216-219mhz around ?
reciver sensitivity 10khz w/+-5khz, RF attenuator -30db,-60db swichable.
i'm thinking to use that powerful little buddy of 9 volt batteries.

i was thinking of building a GPS unit but i think telemetry system would be much cheaper & much simple for this apprications.
maybe guys think this project is way too difficult to accomplish? last time, i've seen chinese kids able to put that together but i'm not that smart.
well, i'm going do this project with great Anarchy Underground Sprits & tributes for my dad's recent passing and if you guys put your great young intelligences together & show me some schematics for this would be greatly appreciated really ....
Thanks for reading my broken English.
hope you understand what i wrote on here...Thanks
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If you want a tracking device you can either buy one ready-made or you will face many hundreds of hours and much frustration and possibly many dollars to design and build one, so be sure to ask yourself how much of your time you want to put into getting one that works.

If you still want to build one here are some questions:

- do you want only one for your own Falcon hobby? If not, how many do you want to build and who will use them?
- where do you live (country)? This determines what frequency bands might be appropriate
- how large and heavy can the transmitter be?
- how long does the transmitter need to transmit? (hours of battery time?)

I think that 50 miles is unrealistic, but it is theoretically possible. If you have line-of-sight from a standing person to a bird high up in the sky, with no buildings or hills in between, then I estimate that it would be possible if you can get the bird to carry a 100 watt 145 MHz transmitter and a 6 inch diameter loop antenna. This power could be reduced if you are willing to use a large parabolic dish antenna mounted on the back of your pickup truck to receive the signal. I assumed the use of a 12 element yagi held up by a 8 foot pole for my estimate.
try a ready made rocket or ballon tracker. Or look for these circuits on google.
Here is a site with a few tips **broken link removed**


super voip said:
try a ready made rocket or ballon tracker. Or look for these circuits on google.
Here is a site with a few tips **broken link removed**

Thank you for the quick reply guys.
Yes, Ron . I'm pretty much sure I myself able build one .
radio Receiver schematics looks not that complicated which what i'm thinking...
Yes, indeed i would like to build one just for myself first.
Freqencies should be set legal for United States of America.
So, i'm thinking of 216 mhz-? 144 mhz band would do the job but since my ham radio call sign isn't for United states of America, i'm not gonna use ham radio band you do know what i mean?lol
Transmitter weight will be about 75 g or less with Litium battery 6700 (mah) ,3.6V. peak intensity 6 (ma) . dimention of transmitter will be 74x24x24 or smaller if possible. antenna length 29cm. life of battery should be 5.8 years or more. transmitting distance is 40km-80km depends on ground conditon that's the best small transmitters out there that i know so far.
(you can see one on attachments)
Super Voip! thank you for the reply as well.
Yeah, the site looks awsome. i'll should check on that site much deeper.

once again, thank you guys for the insights. if you guys have better concepts plz let me know.


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is anyone have better idea's? by the way, simple transmitter the picture above I mentioned is from Spain....
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