I know with absolute fact it is MHz, megahertz, i opened an existing module up, and ran my piezo off its input and it worked, and my scope said it was 1.7MHz.
I also tried running 80V square wave through it but was unsuccessful, though i did not confirm if i actually was outputting correctly, ive since bought a gate driver for my mosfet to try again, but, what sort of waveform do i need for the piezo?
ive been told that just 12 or 24v might actually be enough and i should discharge an inductor through it, but i dont know enough about piezos to do anything with this information. what do i do? i have the oscillator and confirmed the frequency, i also tested the output of the prebuilt pond fogger and it spikes at about 100v, from memory it looked perhaps like the sort of output you get from running square wave through an inductor or transformer.
specifically, what kind of circuit should i be constructing to apply the power in a way that the piezo will accept? should i just try making a small transformer to control with a mosfet bridge? and put the piezo on the output?
One other thing ive heard which would conflict with this idea is that some designs use a capacitor in series with the transducer and i am completely unfamiliar with how capacitors work in series in oscillating circuits.