i want to make 1 GB OR 2 GB PENDRIVE..PLZZ...HELP ME

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New Member
i want making a pen drive like 1GB, 2 GB, 4 GB, 8 GB, ETC...( any one pen drive out of this)...... if any one know perfectly ...abt this issue...... so....plzz.......help me.....and suggest me.....that how can i make this type flash drive ( pen drive )....

1) what type microcontroller very much suitable ??....
2) and then why we start first process meking code and programming..........what type programmer we used?...........tell me..........all necessery things .........plzz.......

Not a hobby level project, but the good news is you can buy one cheap. Far less than what you could build one for! Isn't that wonderful news
As long as the Pen is the legal age, sure I see no reason you cannot make it drive. But what car what car...
I suppose for a very first time you could do something with the flash modules that Atmel sells over at **broken link removed** .
very simple...

very simple...

Take the flash out of the pic microcontrollers... collect them .... interface with each other...

Try your best...


simrantogether said:
very simple...

Take the flash out of the pic microcontrollers... collect them .... interface with each other...

ok......but how can i interface ?........and tell me the link where i can collect information abt my project and tell me that can i use 8051 , or ATmega 32 microcontroller???? to make my project ( 1 GB, or 2 GB, ETC..PENDRIVE)

OK....SO...help me some information .....in this feild i m new .......so........first tell me ......that first what's type basics i m read completely that useful abt my project ....ok..

thanks 4 ur rply.......and fast me ur next rply.....frnd....simran.thanks...

Start by reading the spec sheets from the manufacturer websites. Then search google and find some simple projects. You will have to start with the basics first. A usb interface is not easy. If you try doing that as your first project you will have lots of problems that you would learn to avoid by starting with simpler projects. Take small steps.

Well i am sorry... my this given formula will not work... as flash of pic microcontrollers or any other are inseparable...

I hope you understand...

Better follow this:

take an eeprom ( I2C ) interface it with PIC 18f microcontroller and then interface usb slave with PIC 18f microcontroller...


if you read in the datasheet for the 18f, it has a special mass storage mode and a dedicated 8 bit bus for transferring data from the host to a sram / nand chip. the 18f cpu handles the handshaking and then a special module inside the 18f handles the actual transfer, eliminating the slow cpu as a bottleneck.

the 44 pin pic and single unit ram chips should only cost 5x what you could buy a real flash drive for
justDIY said:

the 44 pin pic and single unit ram chips "" should only cost 5x what you could buy a real flash drive for ""

FRND, justDIY, plzz,,,specify me clearly that u told me in this inverted comma .........
what u say to me ??......i don't understand it........ok

so....plzz specify inverted comma lines..........
u told me that i buy the real flash drive .........frnd i know that i can buy real flash drive but i want make an Autonomous robot with a cam and i interface my custom pen drive ( that i discussed it here ) and i want to store video/photos in my custom pen drive .....ok.......frnd

so....understand me.......and ......tell me my questions right ans..ok.......if u can...

don't any other suggesion me..........ok......frnd........

so.........thanks...........and enjoy ur life with electronics...........byee



One More Idea...

Buy A Memory Card Of Mobile Phone Say 1 Gb.

Then Make A Usb Based Memory Card Reader...


You could always integrate a SD card into your pen drive, that may be a cheaper and more realistic route. Have fun looking up the standards for interfacing via USB to the OS.
When you write in your native language, do you use lots of these small dots (................) always?

Stop playing with that key and insisting on an impossible project.

Annoying to say the least!
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