Thank you all for your suggestions.
However, this unit when done, will be in series with
a 12v car battery, it will be operated mechanically,
it will be expected to control about 60 or 70 watts,
maybe more if i make a big one.
The one i have made now will turn a small three watt
twelve volt lamp from completely out up to very near
full brightness from my pressing on it with my
But it soon starts to clump up a bit, and then the
lamp wont go right out. Adding a little graphite did
not seem to help at all. I may try putting the
powder in layers between washers or such, but im now
thinking of blotting paper and some sort of
electrolyte in many layers.
But im a bit concerned that liquids and current
almost always produce gas. I dont want those sort of
This unit will be expected to reproduce the inputted
mechanical pressure fairly faithfully as current
from the 12 volt car battery. It doesnt have to be a
very good reproduction, but it has to be
I have just been experimenting with wire wool.
Curiously the rusty parts of the wire wool did seem
to control the current a bit.
Maybe all i need is a pile of rust?
Well, i have some more testing to do.
The suggestion by mechie of winding myself a
suitable rheostat is realistic, but this unit will
be providing a constantly varying output, but then
so does the petrol float on a car, so maybe it could
run for a long time without failing. i will have to
give that possibility some more thought.
Just to recap,
this unit should be capable of varying the current
to a car headlamp, from bright to very dim.
Regards, John