I've been gathering electronics from CRT's to computer modems, to LCD displays, wifi extenders and much more. I'd like to mail products I have to people who have junk stuff lying around such as, the cheap open circuit boards that serve purposes and to anyone who can give me a schematic to build something desirable like how to add relays in between wires, increase voltage, decrease voltage, build solar projects for my sail boat, etc..
I have a bunch of items I plan on picturing; items off of circuits (compacitors, diodes, transistors, heat sinks, transformers, and all the like and more).
I imagine mailing products of this calibar is cheap so that should help. If there's something larger I may expect the individual to pay shipping.
Other than that, I'm not sure if I'm in the "right" here to ask for this but any pros out there for their designs or anyone with necessary electronics tools they don't need are willing to trade for mine then awesome. This can start a relationship that can last for years so however this post goes I plan on having it up and keeping relationships with everyone longer than a day or two.
Florida, USA