I want to try this out..Help Please

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New Member
Hi, I'm new to electronics/pic micro's/programming. I love playing with electronics (like flashing led and making new sounds). I have successfully made programmed pic projects in the past and changed .asm codes, but i have a problem i come across here recently with a POV circuit.

Is it possible to switch an .asm code from 16c84 to a 16f628 or 16f648A.

I can upload all info needed to get you more into what I'm talking about. Just let me know.

Thank you for reading hope to hear from you soon.
It is fairly simple to convert code from an 84 to a 628. Post the code and I'm sure someone will tell you what needs to be changed.

Thank you.

Yes, with minor modifications.

Thank you for responding!
Here is the code...Thank you

It is fairly simple to convert code from an 84 to a 628. Post the code and I'm sure someone will tell you what needs to be changed.


Below is the .asm code.


    8.5 KB · Views: 190
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Thank you

Modified for 16F628, it assembles and runs OK with Oshonsoft sim.

That is great! I'm going to school right now and i will be back in a few hours and ill burn it. I have the hardware done already. I'll get back to you on how it goes. Thank you so much.
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Modified for 16F628, it assembles and runs OK with Oshonsoft sim.

I have made this into a .hex file and it built perfectly. But, now i will get back with you. I have to find some more parts and re-build my hardware again. I can't work all the bugs out. Hardest thing to find in all my used parts is the 10p ceramic cap. I'll keep digging. Later for now. Thank you again Eric.

Whats your location.?
I have the schematic here. I am in Kansas City, Kansas.

**broken link removed**

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Use the 'manage attachments' button lower down the REPLY page.

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Sorry about that. This should work.

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Use the 'manage attachments' button lower down the REPLY page.

Follow the instructions to upload the diagram to the thread.

Sorry. Here it is below.


  • magicwandpic.jpg
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  • magicwandpic2.jpg
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If you modify the code to use the internal oscillator, you don't need the 10pf cap or 12K resistor.

Ok that makes since. So, should i leave open pin 16 and leave open pins 1,2,3,4,11,12,13,15 also?...I heard somewhere that all open pins should be pulled down with a 10k resistor. I do appreciate your help. I posted the chip change above next to the attachment I submitted in another attachment. So, I'm going to update the asm and get back with ya after i check it.
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ASM change

OK. I rebuilt the asm and it worked. I left an attachment below with changes in red to turn on internal oscilator. Not sure if I did it right but it went through the Lab ok.


  • msg628aChanges.asm
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TRIS = direction (0 for output)
PORT = high or low (0 for low)

Don't connect anything to the unused pins.

Here's another advanced tip:
RBPU will turn a weak pullup on PORTB, handy for pushbuttons.
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