I wonder what ever happened too...

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Now this is a WTF?

Here's a sad excuse from some student (no location mentioned) who can't understand why nobody will do his assignments for him.

WOW. That's an amazing one. Load of self-centered, self-pitying, rambling crap from another in an endless line of self-important douchebags who want to be pop stars.

Oh look - he will settle for just being a crummy old electronics engineer if someone else does his work for him. Lucky us.
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Keyboard Cat wasn't funny originally, because the cat obviously doesn't want to be there and is just barely putting up with it. But as a "play him off the stage" character, it works perfectly and he's HYSTERICAL!
Is that a real cat? I thought it was a puppet. What real cat would put up with that?
Yep it's a cat in a little shirt with a guy running the paws. The cat seems content enough. It's very strange yet often funny.
You feel guilty for laughing at most of them.
I've seen cats that will put up with that without a fuss. I didn't find the video funny though. It's just one of those viral videos that fell flat with me.
Don't think so. I'm pretty sure you are aware of the power limits of a wall outlet.
Now this is a WTF?

I found possible frequency's "Sonar @ 700 kHz to 3.6 MHz " is said to cause humans to lose control of their bowels due to resonance. ...

Maybe they will loose an addiction too !

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Don't think so. I'm pretty sure you are aware of the power limits of a wall outlet.
Well there was this project I did at an old job where I did 10kV @ 20A pulsed for 200ns-500ns with a 10kHz rep rate and I posted about it on here years ago. For a continuous supply at that job we had a big Matsusada brand supply that ran off of 220 mains. It was something like 20kV at 100ma or more. Can't remember. Something I'm glad I never ever experienced by touch.
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Am I the only one who feels the cat's pain? Keyboard cat is not happy. That's why it wasn't funny the first time. But pair him up with a bad act on amateur night and ZOMG! KITTEH IZ 2 FUN E!!!
I'm new so maybe I don't have license to say this... but this thread is awesome. I haven't laughed this hard in ages

Glad you approve shimniok! I have had some hard laughs too! I had no idea there was this may interesting threads and posters that got remembered so well for so little!
I was just poking around hitting stuff and I hit views in the right column.

Suddenly this caught my eye. https://www.electro-tech-online.com/threads/wireless-electric-detonator.21270/

Then I remember getting a TV in the shop that would randomly turn itself on.

One of the post said use an IR Detector receiver. To remotely trigger the device ?

One problem with that is we found the problem at 4:00 pm in the afternoon the sun came thru the window and turned the TV on.

With the right light intensity and frequency maybe the kid did have a problem placing the device in question.

That's either a really crappy TV remote protocol or you got some funky sunshine on your planet.
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