I2C Barometer Mondule

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I have just got this I2C Barometer Mondule (Attached file), and now i will try to modify one of Nigel's I2C codes for this mondule, but i dont know which of them is the closest to what i want so maybee some one can give me a tip here.


  • HP03.pdf
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I just got the HP01D sensors last week, and never used I2C either. Planning on having a go at it next week (vacation). Please keep us updated on your progress, it should work the same as mine. Thanks for mentioning that Nigel had a tutorial, found them useful in the past. I use AVR instead of PIC, but fundamentally similar. The Philips I2C doesn't sound too bad. Found this site I2C-Bus: What's that? , might help some. Still can't get over how tiny these sensors are, and work off 2-5 volts.
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