IC for Mass Storage

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I have a logger project with 16f877 and it is logger project whit large volume of data!
I need connect a mass storage to save my data on it! i think it is perfect way for me!

Best Regard
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I have a logger project with 16f877 and it is logger project whit large volume of data!
I need connect a mass storage to save my data on it! i think it is perfect way for me!

Best Regard

Is this a question or statement of fact? There are no question marks in your post

Assuming it's a question perhaps you could tell us how much data is a "large volume" in your application; Kbytes, Megabytes, Gigabytes ?

How often is it being updated and what do you need to do with the data once it's logged?
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HI , I am sorry , it is question!

My project is Weather data . I just focus on mass storage because:

1- I have large of space
2- No limited for write and read to it!
3- No need for battery supply or any energy source for save data on it.
4- Easy to change it with a empty memory!

Now, any one can say me can i found any IC or interface to connect whit pic to mass storageS?
You could use
  1. A compact flash card
  2. An MMC/SD card
  3. A USB Memory Stick
And the winner is... The SD Card! Simple to interface to a PIC. LOTS of storage space for dirt cheap.

They use a simple SPI interface. The only slightly difficult part is level conversion from the typical PIC's 5V to the SD card's 3.3V. Not such a big deal.
I have a similar problem. My understanding is that it's moderately straightforward to dump data onto an SD card but not in a format that can be read by a computer (i.e FAT).

If that's the case then EEPROM ICs would be just as useful (GBytes of space aren't required.) Microchip sell them up to 1Mbit in SPI and I2C types. I was going to use such an EEPROM IC, and when I wanted to access the data simply take it out of the circuit and read its contents into the computer using the PICKIT2 software.

Is this madness?
you are in luck im writing a tutorial as i am reading this, on how to use a PIC18F4620 and the "File I/O Functions Using Microchip's Memory Disk Drive File System Library " for SD cards. Its easier than you think since most the code is already made up for you to use it. You just have to disable some non essentials so it can fit on a PIC18F4620 since it only has 64k memory. But if you have a "PIC18F8722" then you can have the full thing working.

I should be done by tonight (like 4-6hours) or tomorrow the latest. Im trying to borrow a camera from a friend to take pictures. It will be in PDF format.

Note: 1 Mbit is not 1 Megabyte its way less. In fact:
1 megabit = 0.125 megabytes
which is:

0.125 megabytes = 128 kilobytes
which is:

128 kilobytes = 131,072 bytes

which may seem like alot but 1 sentence like
"Time: 13:23:44 , Temp: 89 Deg F"

thats about 30 characters which is way less than you are actually going to write(i assume).

If 1mbit is enough then your set but then you need to most likely make a terminal or usb program for pc use which would be more work on the pic side to create. Why not just use the sd since its simpler and can be removed and replaced easy and its not expesive anymore. a 32MegaByte chip is like $5 or less. theats 32 MEGABYTE not BIT.

Also a 2GB is like $10-$15 so heh i rather get a TON more for a LITTLE more
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You can eliviate the FAT problem quite easily, just use a big sd card as a memory chip - and if you need to transfer to a pc, make up a serial or parallel cable to transfer the data to the PC, just like you would have to do if you had a memory IC.

Just because a device IS removable, doesnt mean it HAS to be removed.

But as ATOMSoft says most of the code is already written (looking forward to the tutorial) there are also many tutorials on handling FAT16 on the 'net
DipMicro has:
32M TransFlash w/ SD adapter - dipmicro electronics

I would use that and solder the actual SD Adapter to the board and use the micro as the mem if you are going to use it as permanent memory. At least for development purposes. Then you can buy a SD Socket.

For $4 you cant go wronge. And since you will use the sd adapter as a socket you kill 2 birds with 1 stone.

The only bad issue is no Card Detect. But if its permanent you wouldnt need it

SMUGangsta I hope you will enjoy the tutorial when its done. Please feel free to criticize it and make corrections if you find them. Im sure i will make typos even tho writing it in word. Grammer isnt my best subject so ill try my best. I wont get too in depth on how the FAT stuff works tho. Just enough to get you started and understand directory/file structure and sectors, clusters or w/e needed to make sure you can reuse the info to benefit from.
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Not number 3, it's a really poor choice as it's very difficult to use.
Since I just did a USB device it is no longer difficult or even particularly mysterious. I see no reason why it can't be done. Most of what you need is readily available.
thats awesome but that price for the breakout board is ridiculous. $45 and the main ic is only $13. But it feels like a monopoly since sparkfun is the only official retail seller in the US.

I like it tho. Seems like it would save code space. The only thing i can see wrong or bad is the price for that breakout board. Since not many can solder a QFN it would force them to get the breakout board. in which is nice and all but $50 for $20 in parts? That means your paying $30 for the board which is so small im sure it doesnt cost much to manufacture.

But i might get it myself i like new toys lol
I can't remember where I heard it, but the DOS on chip had some negative reviews....

I haven't tried this, but it could be quite helpful, and it is free:

Since I just did a USB device it is no longer difficult or even particularly mysterious. I see no reason why it can't be done. Most of what you need is readily available.

How about some details?
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QFNs aren't that bad I thought. You just make the PCB so the pads extend farther out than the chip and treat them like any other SMD IC.
I assume thats the easiest way It seems like a great chip tho. I would try it (if i had the money ($45)) I dont make PCBs as of yet.(too many house bills.. cable, rent,phone) NYC is very expensive. That ELM looks NICE! ill try it too (first- its FREE!) lol
For learning sake here is how my project looks on a schematic. (i need to add some more capacitors) but be aware its missing some caps for stability.


  • sd.png
    41.3 KB · Views: 220
NY City is great and all but like i said its expensive. I visit Philadelphia all the tim eand the difference is crazy. Cigarettes in nyc are almost $9 a pack. Gas is like $4 a gallon. Milk is $5 a gallon. Haircut is $15 with no tip. rent is $1000+ for 1 bedroom apartment. shi* bacon is $4-5 a pack lol. Thats why im moving to phili in the beginning of next year.

The main problem with EEPROM is the whole low-life for repetitive reads/writes thing. Your best bet is to access SD through ISP, then use some sort of ISP direct connection via MAX232 or some sort of level shifter to directly dump the contents of the memory.

No, this is not madness. This is Sparta.
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