IC identification HEF4071BP

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New Member
I have this 14 pin IC made by phillips.I cant seem to find any datda sheet for it. It might be really old seeing how i got it from my high school a few years back. The letters\numbers on it are

HEF4071BP (top row)
Hnn0022 2

Anyone have a clue what this could be? Also, for future reference what is the best site for IC pinout charts? I've come acrossed many that have been junk and virus infected.

Haha, sounds about right a quad input or gate. School probably used them to teach logic. Thanks NXP looks like a good site. I usually just type these things in google but always get turned to a site that isnt telling me any information or is infected with a virus.
The one thing about Google is that you need to know how to use it =) When you're not getting hits, mix up your terms or try something different don't just assume the information isn't out there. Sometimes putting spaces where you think there may be a posible delination such as in the above case would help.

I am a little surprise you didn't find anything though cause I just typed in the full first line of the chips identification and the first link was directly to the PDF, maybe you typoed when you searched for it.
Exlaination codes on device

Hi Jeff,

A short explaination about the codes on your device.
The last 2 lines are for production tracking.
The second line indicates the diffusion batch, and the last line is assemble information, including a week number.

Formal site as NXP ( former Philips) are save to access.

Succes, Luc

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