IC-PROG and PIC16F877A - "Verify failed at data address 0000h!"

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Hello, I've started analysing both programmer I have. (One I bought - which works perfectly - and the other I've been trying to make it work!)

I used an oscilloscope in order to print the wave forms PIC received/trasmitted.
In the attached file, the first figure of each page is from AN589 and the 2nd is PICSTART PLUS (the programmer I bought).
I could notice there are many differences between them, mainly considering the data flow.

Also, I could realize the cable lenght (40 cm = 0.4 m) does not affect the process, cause both wave forms are the same (green probe = pc parallel output - pink probe = PIC data pin)

Kinda weird ic-prog, huh?... I wonder if there's another way to solve this problem...
What do you think about it?

Thanks once again!


  • Waveforms-AN589_a&#11.pdf
    44.6 KB · Views: 210
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