IC-Prog Driver Problem

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New Member
Hi All,

I am having a problem with using IC Prog. I'm using version 1.05D and when i go to settings> options> misc to enable the NT/2000/XP driver i get an error saying:
error occured (the system cannot find the file specifed.) while starting the driver!
Then the privileged instruction error occurs. Because of the privileged instruction error i cant do anything. I have not had this driver problem before when i've setup ic-prog on the computers at my college.

How do i get this driver? I'm using a PIC 16F870 and using Propic 2 as my hardware.

You download the driver from the website of IC-Prog. Unzip the file to the same folder of the executable file. Then configure IC-Prog; I don't remember if you have to restart the program.
Also you can download a newer version of the program.
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