Ic to drive 7 segement displays and leds

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New Member
Display board was designed to drive 3 common anode seven segment displays, 1 common anode five segment displays, 16 LEDs and a buzzer input is provided from micro controller ( CLK ,LOAD,DIN)

used an LED driver IC(P/N-A6833SEPTR-T from Allegro) but now it is not available/obsolete so i thought of use other IC driver which doesn't leads to redesign of entire board,

ps, can you guys help me to solve this problem
The closest I can think of is the MAX7219 which will drive 8 7seg displays or 8*8 individual LEDs or a combination of the two. I think finding a pin compatible chip is highly unlikely. Do you have a link to the data sheet?

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You actually want the MAX7221. This is an upgrade to the MAX7219. The MAX7219 has a glitch problem on the SPI bus. It is also wise to put 10k pull down resistors on the SPI lines with either chip. Attached is some code I wrote when I was at Maxim to time the settling of the head on a pint of Guinness (I wrote for the Americans celebrating St Patrick's Day) back in 1998


  • pic_code.txt
    7.1 KB · Views: 179
Seems like an awesome chip! Since I have a bunch of open pins on my micro, I think I am just going to use a shift register chip to control the rows and transistors to sink the current on the columns.
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