icanhascheezburger recant

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Hank Fletcher

New Member
Somehow or other (boredom?), I've caught the icanhascheezburger bug. I'm here to recant my previous animosity towards the site. I have to admit, some of the photos resulted in me... sigh... "LOL."

While I'll recognize the context and humour in the grammar and diction unique to that site, I refuse to admit that same grammar and diction as appropriate in any other context. I can has principles!
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Thiz iz mi fav pikchur


  • funny-pictures-cat-undercooked-cheeseburger.jpg
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Hi Hank,

I don't know whether to be sad for you or not but this thread made me laugh out loud today. I agree that they can be pretty hit-and-miss but they do sometimes make me laugh.

We can only hope that we don't start getting requests for help like "i can haz hlp plz?" Maybe we can give the first poster with such a request an award and then ban them for life.

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