ICD2 Clone and dsPIC

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Some time ago I built an ICD2 Clone from Lothar and it works fine with all pics from the 16F and 18F series.

But yesterday I connected to it a dsPIC30F2010 and it can't get connected. It just appear the message:

ICDWarn0020: Invalid target device id (expected=0x40, read=0x0)

just like if I didn't connected the PIC. I checked the connexions several times and they are OK, but it doesn't still work.

Thank you so much.
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I have a Blueroom Inchworm+ ICD2 clone that does that exact thing on my dsPIC30F4013. Can't use it. I had to switch to PICkit2 (and a Blueroom Junebug clone too) and use MPLAB for programming/compiling and the PICkit2 software for programming it. Can't do debugging with that combo... bleh! Back to the old ways, beeps and blinks and simulation. Too bad MPLAB has fallen behind for a while. Time for an update.

Anyway, the C30 compiler is good. Quite nice to use.
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Thank you very much!

I see that i'm not alone...

I already have a programmer that works with the dspic, but I wanted to debug it :'( :'( :'( . I'll have to return to the old methods.
The only real hardware difference is the Junebug has 100ohm driving resistors and the Inchworm (and Stolz) versions have 330ohm.
Perhaps I'll put one together with 100ohm. If it works I'll start using 100ohm instead of 330 on the PGC/PGD pins.

I've successfully ran a dsPIC30F3013 with very short cables on a stock Inchworm+. Breadboards have a fair amount of stray capacitance and this may be a factor.
**broken link removed**
blueroomelectronics said:
The only real hardware difference is the Junebug has 100ohm driving resistors and the Inchworm (and Stolz) versions have 330ohm.
Perhaps I'll put one together with 100ohm. If it works I'll start using 100ohm instead of 330 on the PGC/PGD pins.
Please let us know what happens with that.

I've successfully ran a dsPIC30F3013 with very short cables on a stock Inchworm+. Breadboards have a fair amount of stray capacitance and this may be a factor.
But remember I tried that and a bunch of other suggested things too with my 4013 and Inchworm+/Unicorn. Nothing helped. But the Junebug/PICkit2 programs it fine, and with a 9"-10" cable.
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The breadboard is not the problem unless you are really sloppy.


I've just tried to put a 100 Ohms resistor instead 330Ohms (I actually didn't desoldered it, i've put another in parallel to achieve the 100Ohms).

And it doesn't work... It works with the 16F and 18F series PICs that i've tried, but with de dsPIC appears the same error. "Read=0x0".
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Ya, I kinda think MPLAB is at fault. Though I routinely use my PICkit2 to program the 30F4013, MPLAB has PICkit2 greyed out if I try to select it as a programmer for the same projects. Probably the next MPLAB update will fix a bunch of these problems? We can hope.
I'll order a dsPIC4013 to try, the dsPIC3013 works with my stock Inchworm+ it's just really fussy about the cable.
That said the 4013 has 4 GND & 4 VDD pins that all must be connected for it to be seen by the ICD2.
I've tried the Inchworm & Junebug with the dsPIC30F4013, they both work fine.
You do need to connect all the VSS pins and VDD pins (8 total)
blueroomelectronics said:
I've tried the Inchworm & Junebug with the dsPIC30F4013, they both work fine.
You do need to connect all the VSS pins and VDD pins (8 total)
How come your Inchworm+ works and mine doesn't? I definitely had all vdd/vss pins connected. Guess I should try it again.

Does your Junebug work in MPLAB with 4013? When I have 30F4013 selected, PICkit2 programmer is greyed out in MPLAB.
Only PICkit2 software sees the 4013, but Microchip seems to include more PICs with every MPLAB release.

Did you also connect the AVDD & AVSS pins?

A couple of weeks ago I ordered some PIC of 30f and 33F series and this weekend I tried them.

As a result, I say that none of the PIC30F worked with the debugger (either 4013), but to my surprise, the series 33F work perfectly!

So I forget the 30f and I'll work directly with the 33F series, which are better and they work with the debugger and since I do not have to pay them, no matter the price
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dsPIC30F2010 won't work

Hi all,

I am planning on purchasing the very nice Inchworm+ kit from blueroom electronics, but because it's a bit risky and expensive for me to get one where I live, and considering that I have all the components required to build one lying around on my workbench, I decided I'd first build a working prototype on breadboard. And so I did.

It works perfectly with all the PIC's I have right now, including these: 12F675, 16F628, 16F818, 16F819, 16F876A, 18F1320, 18F258, 18F2550. However, it fails with the dsPIC3020, just as javilon describes. Changing the coupling resistors to 100 ohms didn't seem make any difference, and the cable connecting both breadboards is only 3" long. I'm keeping all the wires very short and it doesn't seem the stray capacitances are to blame. All VDD and VSS pins are connected.

The same 3020, mounted on that same breadboard, works just fine with my home-built parallel-port programmer and it does that at an amazing speed! Too bad that programmer can't do debugging.

I was wondering if stronger buffering would be required, and perhaps I'll try that, but I'd rather not add another chip to the breadboard at this time. If this prototype can prove to work well for me, then I'll probably place an order for the much nicer Inchworm+ kit.
Could someone please help?


Edit: I just realized that it can blank-check the PIC18F2431, but it will fail to program it. It keeps coming out blank all the time. The chip is good since I can program it with my parallel port programmer.
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futz said:
Breadboard up a PICkit 2/Junebug instead. Works fine with dsPICs.

I was thinking of that ;-) But will it do debugging? What pics can I program with it?

ramcheck said:
I was thinking of that ;-) But will it do debugging? What pics can I program with it?

It WILL do debugging, and a LOT faster than an ICD2. It will program pretty much all PICs.
It just doesn't debug as many PICs yet...
The dsPIC30F4013 is among the non MPLAB supported ones, but more appear with every MPLAB release.
blueroomelectronics said:
It just doesn't debug as many PICs yet...
The dsPIC30F4013 is among the non MPLAB supported ones, but more appear with every MPLAB release.
Oh ya, forgot about that. It'll happen eventually, when Microchip gets around to it. But, for the most part, you can program and debug just about all PICs with a PICkit 2/Junebug. If you've been using serial programmers like the ICD2 up to now, you're in for a shock. The PICkit 2/Junebug is FAST!. Almost no waiting.

Anyway, you can program the dsPIC 30F4013 with the PICkit 2 software, no problem. You just can't debug yet.
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