ICD2 Clone and dsPIC

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blueroomelectronics said:
If Linux & PICkit2 are your thing you really must visit Xiaofan Chen's blog

looking ... thanks for the pointer
in general, as I really burn pic's once a week or not even that often, I do not mind to rdesktop to the XP box and do it from there .. with 10+ boxes at home, it is really not that important, as I access all of them remotely, linux, windows .. whatever works ..

blueroomelectronics said:
On a sidenote I'm getting very fond of OpenOffice 2.4 over MS Office 2003
Ah, in last 3 places where I work (including SUN where I work now) OO is a must. I'm running 3.0b and I'm very pleased with how it works. It is finally integrated with the system on OSX, it works great, it finally look good too
this topic totally took a OT turn .. but on the linux and usb programmers .. from what I heard, **broken link removed** is finishing the rewrite of theirs compilers soon and they will make (at least they plan to) linux native app too... so the easy(ds)pic, big(ds)pic .. boards will be controllable from linux too
blueroomelectronics said:
If Linux & PICkit2 are your thing you really must visit Xiaofan Chen's blog

On a sidenote I'm getting very fond of OpenOffice 2.4 over MS Office 2003

Thanks a lot! that's just what I was looking for!

As to OpenOffice, my wise friend uses to say, OO seems to be more compatible with MS Office than MS Office with itself! I'm mostly a latex user, and I like lyx, but for the rest I stick with OO, no problem.
Hi Bill,

Following that link I came across with the Pk2cmd port to Linux, Pk2cmdLinux. With that program I can communicate with my breadboarded Junebug with firmware 2.3. Looks like I'm not gonna need the 1.2 preflashed after all, but I have to test this off a bit further.


Edit: tested with a PIC12F675 as the poor victim, and guess what? it works! and it's really fast! I didn't even check the voltages yet (I hope I'm not busting off the poor pic)

Edit#2: now tested with a PIC18F2550, also good. Looks promissing. Now, I guess I could use that nice Junebug kit.

This brings me back to the puzzling question: why firmware 1.X wasn't working. I would be nice to be able to use piklab again.
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My Junebug is here

Hi Bill,

I just wanted to let you know that my Junebug is here at last. My first impression after opening the box was that it was indeed very neat. I was delighted to see the quality of the material, specially of the PCB.

Assembling it was easy and fun. I simply followed the instructions on the manual and in no time at all its was ready to go.

After the initial tests, I connected the +5V and GND with the jumpers, then I inserted the IC's and ran some simple tests with the tutor. As far as I can tell, it seems to be working correctly.

Thank you for such a fine quality kit! I will recommend it to everyone.

Always happy to hear from another happy customer

Make sure you get the JPUG issues and hope we can publish one of your Junebug experiments someday.

I left the 2.1 firmware on your kit, if you have a Windows DOS shell handy the PK2CMD.EXE is an easy way to put any version of the PICkit2 firmware without loading PICkit2 2.51 and the .net application.
I am in dead lock with a 'PICs' ICD clone and Dspic30F2010.

Is there Any way I can debug this chip with this clone?

The ICD2 can program and debug that chip. The pk2 has limited functionality.

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