ICD2 Clone - MPLAB default to USB on each startup

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This seems to be a common problem for MPLAB version >6.6 and so far only Jay can manage to solve it. I have tried his suggestion but have no luck. I'm on Ver 7.2. Does anyone tried his solution here?

The Microchip designer choose to default to USB on startup and COM user setting in the ICD2.INI file is either not saved or not use upon MPLAB startup. However, other settings like baudrate, powering options and autoconnect do stick.

Going back to MPLAB 6.6 works because the program defaults to COM port on startup. However, this version does not have ICD2 support of the chip I am using.

Any suggestions?
hehe, i get the same problem, but when u save a workspace with the com port selected the settings stick, so no problems after initial setup.
pittuck said:
hehe, i get the same problem, but when u save a workspace with the com port selected the settings stick, so no problems after initial setup.

Yes, it worked.

Thanks you pittuck.
Maybe that's why it remebers for me too, I have AutoSave enabled...
Hi Jay,

It is always these small things in real life that annoy one most. Thanks also for your help.
eblc1388 said:
Hi Jay,

It is always these small things in real life that annoy one most. Thanks also for your help.
No problem.
You are right, many small problems are worse then a big one :twisted:
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