ICD2 Compatable + PCB layout

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can any one please upload the whole ICD with schematic & PCB (eagle, orcad) with the source code and helpful instructions in zip file for me and every one else?

Please..... Please
electrojit said:
can any one please upload the whole ICD with schematic & PCB (eagle, orcad) with the source code and helpful instructions in zip file for me and every one else?

Please..... Please

He gave all you need to make one, I think the bootloader is in the threads as well.

I think Bill gave more than enough as he is going to sell them and was
nice enough to let me build one myself. But Bill is a nice guy

Mike K8LH, been to mailbox 5 times today.. hehehe.. Like Christmas here (for me).
mramos1 said:
He gave all you need to make one, I think the bootloader is in the threads as well.

I think Bill gave more than enough as he is going to sell them and was
nice enough to let me build one myself. But Bill is a nice guy


There's more to come, Here's the inchworm PCB in 1:1 scale .pdf mirrored for your etching fun. I've been redrawing it slightly smaller to fit in a standard hammond case with holes in the four corners for screws, that's the one for the stores.


  • Inchworm PCB Mirror D1.pdf
    26.8 KB · Views: 579
I am not unhappy with the old board other than some blind old guy scratched it up a little with a drill bit (me).

I did not start building it this weekend, as the mail-person did not show. Maybe I will do the new one for fun tomorrow.

But thanks go out to you and Mike for sure. Can not wait to play with it.

You need a drill press. The slightly smaller PCB version can replace the lid in a Hammond 1591B 4.4 x 2.44 x 1.66
The mail finally showed up (late), no package yet. Looks like it will be a week night project now. But I have plenty of other parts to put in I doubt I would have got it running tomorrow anyway.

Thinking about doing the newer board Bill did.
Sorry man. That really bugs me when the counter person at the post office says "priority will get there Saturday" and you pay the long dollar and then it doesn't show up when promised. Sad thing is it's happened a couple times before and I'm reminded of the "fool me once / fool me twice" parable.

Geesh! Mike
Oh no problem here at all, thank for doing it all..

It was funny to me, I do not get excited a lot and I caught myself walking out to the box, and pushing the flag down. Like I would get it built this weekend anyway.

I have plenty I can do tomorrow on it. I want to print Bill's new one and see how much smaller it is on paper.
Here's a preview of the Inchworm D3 (same schematic) smaller PCB that mounts in a Hammond 1591 case 4.4 x 2.44

The PCB is 107mm x 57mm


  • Inchworm D3.gif
    24.7 KB · Views: 445
I like it. Is there an updated PDF of the PCB. I will drill slower this time too.

The C1, C4 and C5, is the extra pin to make it where I can fix whatever caps I have in the board easier? At first I thought it was a jumper block.
mramos1 said:
The C1, C4 and C5, is the extra pin to make it where I can fix whatever caps I have in the board easier? At first I thought it was a jumper block.
Yep, 0.1s are common in both .1" & .2" lead spacing. So I've made holes for both. I prefer the look of the .1 but have bags of .2

PS I'm going to do the D3 revision in Blue (Red and Yellow look cool too) but Blue fits the MyBlueRoom theme.


  • Inchworm D3 Blue.gif
    25.4 KB · Views: 439
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William At MyBlueRoom said:
Yep, 0.1s are common in both .1" & .2" lead spacing. So I've made holes for both. I prefer the look of the .1 but have bags of .2

PS I'm going to do the D3 revision in Blue (Red and Yellow look cool too) but Blue fits the MyBlueRoom theme.

Like the blue board idea (we have all seen GREEN, RED, the ones done in the garage..). I saw I had mail from you, assumed Inchworm board, but my wife had me painting and working in the yard (did I mention she is 4' 11" but my but was painting all day for sure). So I have not pulled it yet, will before I go to bed.

MikeK8LH hooked me up too (877A / bootloader, etc).

Maybe I need a vacation day tomorrow. hehehhe
William At MyBlueRoom said:
PS I'm going to do the D3 revision in Blue (Red and Yellow look cool too) but Blue fits the MyBlueRoom theme.
What different colors can you get for the solder mask? I like purple (grin).
Mike, I am down with the the purple too.. And I bet we can sell a ton of kids things for their cars with purple PCBs. Hummm.. Maybe, we get, ourpurpleroom.com?

Kidding Bill..

Got package. Check private mail on the forum. After work, had to sell a car and help a good friend with unloading a garage. Tomorrow might be slower.. I hope.

But all is here.. Now for time to start it.. Loved the sticker on the envelope.

And really, thanks.
William At MyBlueRoom said:
Try it now. I was experimenting with the DNS stuff. My old DNS provider was $20us per year, godaddy is a bargain at $7US yr for 5yrs.

The nav links on you site still point to **broken link removed**
instead of the pointclark server.
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