ICD2 debugging questions and ideas.

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I was going to switch to the 16F88 as it is ICD2 debug compatible. But I have read mixed message on not being able to debug if you use the internal OSC. Also, looks like you loose a couple pins.

First thought: Get a bigger PIC that I can use other ports on it and write/debug. When done, flip the ports and program the smaller PIC.
If I do this, I could use the 628A rather than the 16F88 and save some money.

First question: Anyone doing it like this or am I mistaking the internal OSC issue and pins.

Two, if you are doing it this way, what two pic are your most popular..

Thanks. I am starting to think Mike K8LH bootloader idea is better than ICD2.

Anyone doing it a better way with the ICD2 please share..
Bootloaders are handy but offer no debugging. The point of an ICD is debugging and that's something.

As for the 16F88 or 16F87, the internal osc works fine in debug mode, I use them for I/O look at the tick schematic posted elsewhere on these forums for a 16F88 tutor. (and I use the osc RA6,7 pins as I/O)

The 16F628A has no debug mode (special ICD version required) and is not capable of self reprogramming (IE no bootloader)

And yes you can use a bigger chip and port lots of your code down to the smaller chips, the one worth waiting for appears to be the 16F887
Thanks Bill. I pull the tick.

FYI, the blue board is 90% done. Have chips, programmed, missing 330K (hard to believe) and .33uF, and I have to rid a serial connector as I have the wrong sex, but I might just use a convertor cable. But getting close.

So the F88 will work with internal OSC, I just give up a couple pins?
There are no 330K resistors, only 330 ohm. The .33 is not critical, you can omit it if you like (it's right from the LM7805 datasheet).

The 16F88 works fine with the eight speed internal osc. It defaults to 31.25 KHz. You will lose MCLR, RB6,7 and the internal osc is good enough for rs232.
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William At MyBlueRoom said:
There are no 330K resistors, only 330 ohm. The .33 is not critical, you can omit it if you like (it's right from the LM7805 datasheet).

I am getting old and can not see. I need a 5X loop for reading some parts.. Well, I have it (inchworm) 98% complete now (that last 2% is soldering it and getting RS232 connector for it). Will use .1uF (did not look at the schematic, sorry) in place of the .33uF and I have lots of 330ohms.
Not sure why I thought 330K.

The 16F88 works fine with the eight speed internal osc. It defaults to 31.25 KHz. You will lose MCLR, RB6,7 and the internal osc is good enough for rs232.

MCLR is a normal waste for me (input only or need a resistor to pull it up).

31.25Khz default is good for me as battery power seems to be the in thing now. Nigel was right on that one. These things draw so little power at low speed and using sleep.

And Mike K8LH with the 12F683. I really like that little chip. So maybe I will use F683 for small stuff and plan on no debug and use the F88 as the big chip for now. I do very small projects..

Off to solder the inchworm.
Bill: all but two resistors (6K8 1%) and plugging in the two chips (and power). Here is a picture. I found an RS232 connector. Used, solder all over it. But it will work.


  • inchworm.JPG
    107.5 KB · Views: 183
Nice gold sockets, glad I put both .1 & .2 spacing for the decoupling caps.

You're almost done...

You could plug it in now and test VPP (shoud be 12V or thereabouts)

Here's how one fellow debugs those little 8 pin PICs.

**broken link removed**
William At MyBlueRoom said:
Nice gold sockets, glad I put both .1 & .2 spacing for the decoupling caps.

You're almost done...

You could plug it in now and test VPP (shoud be 12V or thereabouts)

Here's how one fellow debugs those little 8 pin PICs.

**broken link removed**

Did not look to see what the 6K8s went to, but if 1% assume it should be the real deal.

On the cap spacing, I still had to work the ones for the Xtal. But that was a great idea. Old parts I had around. But two R's and done. Now I have to justify something from mouser and stick the two resistors on the order.

I will look at the 8bit guy. See if that sheds some light.

I have never had ICD before (other than ICE for 8031/51 years ago). I just thought ICD would be like ICE and go from there. As I always do with Microchip, it is not all one size fits all. But getting used to it
mramos1 said:
I have never had ICD before (other than ICE for 8031/51 years ago). I just thought ICD would be like ICE and go from there. As I always do with Microchip, it is not all one size fits all. But getting used to it

An ICD is a poor mans ICE.

ICE advantages
  • Speed (very fast)
  • No loss of I/O Pins
  • Skid free breakpoints (on some ICE)
ICD advantages
  • Cost (usually less than the taxes on an ICE)
  • Supports most chips
  • Does not need a new chip pod for every PIC
The Microchip ICD2 is less than the pods. The pods have the bondout version of the chip.

One other fun project might be to opto-isolate the ICD so you can work with the dangerous stuff like X10


This fellow has CM11A firmware to fix the old X10 code. An isolated and buffered Inchworm to target device would be an interesting project.

Even Microchip has a schematic and design for an X10 controller with a 16F877 on their site.
I pulled the zip file. Will look at it tonight. I have X10 in my house as well, ise CM11A and firecracker. Hope there is a schematic in the file. It said asm and hex file. But something to look into.
The site is gone....anywhere else?

That link is dead and googling has not turned up any relocations. Does anybody know where there is a copy of the code?
Or the website?
x10 pic replacement code

Much obliged!....
I started down this road using a real micro, the ti 430. I got off on a tangent and started developing a new power line signaling scheme to fix the problems with the current x10 approach. Features include spread spectrum modulation of a variable length encrypted packet, bidirectional communication and currently experimenting with a bus master protocol and a collision sense mulltiple transmit communication protocol. Also thinking about how to fix the phase problem as well as the signal absorption problem.
If your gonna do it, might as well be right....I hate half-ass solutions..lol
thanks again for your post
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