icd2 picdem2 plus

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New Member
i have bought icd2 and picdem2 plus
what is icd2 ? is it just used to program the pic or it has more?
how do i use it
i want to interface a lcd(not the one on board) with a microcontroller using icd2 is that possible ?
and how?
is the power from icd2 coming from the pc is sufficient to supply the pic
and what is the current load supported by icd2

An ICD is an 'In Circuit Debugger', it uses a preprogrammed chip (with ICD and bootloader already programmed in) - you can then upload your own programs via the ICD2, which run 'alongside' the ICD's internal programs.

This allows the ICD to transfer data back to the PC, and run breakpoints and single stepping, these can be invaluable debugging aids.

It's not a proper ICE (In Circuit Emulator), but it's not the same price either! - for the money it's a good compromise.

As for it's power capabilities, these should be provided in the documentation that it comes with, as should anything else you need to know.
ok i'm connecting the pc to icd2via usb and giving the target that i'm building its own power supply
and i'll be connecting icd2 to target as follows :
mclr of pic to mclr icd2
vdd of icd2 to vdd pic
vss to vss
pgc and pgd to rb7 and rb6
does anyone know if this is correct?i want to be sure
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