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i need help to measured single positive/negative pulse. it is possible whith this ic / icm7226b/ or any other circuits help me best.
On Intersil's description of the chip it says it can function as a period counter, so it will do this. Seems like a very over-specified chip for this purpose though.

How accurately do you need to measure the pulse? What are acceptable forms of output for you? What are the maximum and minimum pulse lengths you want to measure?
1. the pulse lenghts is 0.1uS to 1S.The form of output is square.Accurately it is not critical.
2. I have ic ICM7226b but for measure frequency and period this is ic is not very practical. I look to use them capacitance,inductive meter but i dont
have practical circuits for this use of ICM7226.
thanks for help it is possible.
i need help to measured single positive/negative pulse
Do you mean a single pulse which (1) has part positive and part negative or (2) has a single polarity, which may be either positive or negative?
Do you want to measure pulse amplitude or duration?
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You will need a lot of support circuitry with the ICM7226. If the pulses are not to fast, a slightly modified pedometer with conditioning circuitry could work. E
yes lot of circuits with the ICM7226 , but i look for capacitanse/inductance meter use the ICM7226.
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