Icon Designs A4 Mixer

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Nigel Goodwin

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I've just bought one of these Icon Designs A4 Mixer's cheap off Ebay, with no PSU. I've got the PSU sorted out, using a 15-0-15V mains transformer, but there's a couple of small faults on the mixer as well.

Does anyone have a circuit diagram for it?, it would make life much easier
williB said:
the guy you bougt it off of had no specs on it ?

No, just the mixer, no PSU or anything - but it was cheap :lol:

I've fixed it now without a circuit, there was an open circuit PCB track causing channel 2 not to work (+ve supply missing to the first opamp), and on channel 1 the bass control didn't work, the pot track is actually broken. I've swapped it for the mono output level pot, and it works fine.

I just need to try and find a suitable replacement pot now!.
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