ICSP pickit2 stops chip running

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Is it normal that when I have my pickit 2 plugged into the icsp port of my circuit it stops the chip from running its normal program?
As soon as its unplugged it starts running. It also happily programs the chips.
Does your program either use the ICSP pins? or the low voltage pin?
Or you are running in "DEBUG" mode... If you have compiled in debug mode with pickit2 as the debugger, it will wait for the IDE to step / run!!
It is always a good idea to disconnect power from the PIC before plugging in your PicKit. I would not plug it in while the chip is running its program.

PicKits often hold the devices in reset for programming. There is an item in one of the menus (program, maybe?) to release from reset. Clicking that should set your chip running again.
I found I have to go through power up and attach sequence shown in the Pickit 3 instructions otherwise it just hangs and says Pickit 3 not connected.


  • Pickit debug.pdf
    374.8 KB · Views: 231

That was it, thankyou - theres an option to release from reset - no more unplugging after each programming!
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