Id circuit board part

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James Lundmark

New Member
Trying to id a part on a controller board for an irrigation system. The part is cylindrical, silver, no markings, 5.8 mm x 1.7 mm. Might be a crystal or oscillator. Board has marking Y2 on it. Any ideas, cannot find a diagram. Thanks, photo attached


  • 20170725_132451.jpg
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Try adding a photo of where it came from. The board might give us a better clue as to what it is.

Tried to add Picture of board, located at Y2, message file too large, how do i attach, thanks
You probably have a very large picture. Try editing (crop) the file to make it smaller. Most editors also have a way to reduce the file size.
Yep, crystal. the next step is what are all of the numbers on the big chip?

One corner of the chip should be "different" than the other 3. That's pin 1. Start counting CCW and what pins are Y1 connected to?
Not sure which corner is different. Photo of chip attached. Cannot locate Y1. Advise, thanks


  • 20170730_142349.jpg
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Sorry, i guess i missed something. My board is for an irrigation control. I didnt make the conne tion witb a clock crystal. Thanks
I see several different 32khz crystals. Will any work or should i be looking at a specific series or other parameter. Thanks

They all seem pretty well the same, I usually get mine out of old equipment

A good source is old VCR remote controls, which have an LCD display on them - it's easier to find them inside the remote, rather than inside the VCR.
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