For my next and last school year at a technological high school, an independent project with a microcontroller is the order of the day. Every student has to create an electronic project with a microcontroller. But can also have mechanical, chemical elements or the like. A few examples in recent years: a weather station, a drone or a flying small helicopter or a "caterpillar" with 6 feet that moves elegantly. In itself, projects are rather complex (in terms of time), but not too complex. We have 8 months (September to May/ June) for the project, but the teachers / professors recommend us to choose a modular project that can be expanded at any time. So you can add other things and delete some functions if they don't work towards the end. I would have thought of an interior analyzer (analyzes different things and values in a room: for example temperature, light radiation and the like. If necessary with air purification): Modular, easily expandable, you can design it beautifully and you can also design the circuit as you like it wants, either fairly simple or complex. Do you have any other ideas for a project, if so can you give me some ideas? Because we have to have several plans, because in September the teachers decide whether to accept the project or not ... thanks in advance!