Ideas on how to make an electric scoreboard out of christmas lights

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New Member
Well since my gas price sign idea failed, (and my lack of electrical expertice) I came up with the idea to make a scoreboard out of large christmas lights to make each segment. Anyone have any suggestions on what to use for switches to power each segment. If I make a total of 6 seperate digits do I make one power suppily to power each set of switches to power the entire board or each one have its own seperate plug? I have my schematic figured out on which lights will make each digit. Let me know what your thoughts are or the easiet way to do it!
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You need to give us more details. Are the lights mains powered as a series string? Filament lamps? Individual LEDs? Current and voltage ratings? Post your schematic.
Power FETs make good switches.
Well im going to try and use fillament bulbs that are part of a string series, that is if i can find any this time of year. This is only in my head right now so im just trying to put my ideas out there and get some thoughts and suggestions
For safety's sake ( especially if this is going to be used outdoors) battery power would be preferable to mains power. But if you use filament lamps they are power hungry relative to LEDs, so you will need a hefty battery.
It most likely would be used indoors and occasionaly outside. Ill see what i can find for lights first. Im planning on having like 2 or 3 lights bridged together to one switch to light that particular segment etc.
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