Idle Chat

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Well-Known Member
Good onya's guy's finally a place for a laugh or two,

So for a bit of idle chat what's the price of bumnuts in Bangladesh ?????
For a laugh

Did you hear the one were the guy hooked up 220 straight from the main to a fence so scare off kids?

Well that one is more scary then funny I guess but we set him straight right bryan1
MARINE1142 said:
For a laugh

Did you hear the one were the guy hooked up 220 straight from the main to a fence so scare off kids?

Well that one is more scary then funny I guess but we set him straight right bryan1
Yeah, that was really STUPID...
Yea Jay it only took us all day to get it into his head :shock:

But then again as us Aussie's do say some yanks can be slower than a slow boat to china. Not to offend you blokes thou.

Cheers Bryan
bryan1 said:
Yea Jay it only took us all day to get it into his head :shock:

But then again as us Aussie's do say some yanks can be slower than a slow boat to china. Not to offend you blokes thou.

Cheers Bryan
Well I didn't get the 2nd sentence, but the first one was interesting :lol:

It was funny when he said that the teenagers didn't get shocked
he is lucky they didn't.

He would be behind bars and get shocked in place'es he wouldn't want to get shocked in.

Re: reply

Roboticinfo said:
It was funny when he said that the teenagers didn't get shocked
he is lucky they didn't.

He would be behind bars and get shocked in place'es he wouldn't want to get shocked in.

Well imagine a school group is trying to cross the fence, and they all get Zapped! Say that 20 of them died (terrible :cry: ). And he will get the Death penalty (Electric Chair preferred)... :lol:
yea ya got that right mate but why couldn't he get it in his head the circuit only draws 190 ma even when something hits the fence???????

In texas they have a express lane for dealth sentinces he would be killed with in the next year I bieleve.
pmsl robot

eh fella's the pic aint the clearest as I never used the flash but here's the box throwin a 3.6KV spark across a 1/2 gap between wires.


  • spark.gif
    106.9 KB · Views: 442
na mate it's only sparking cause it's open when it's on the fence you wouldn't know it's electrified unless there was a break in the line but touch it and you'll only do it once. :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
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