IEEE paper analysis

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Hello people!
I am trying to analyse one paper regarding bidirectional dc/dc converter. Some part I have figured out but I am unable to find the voltage gain.
I would be highly obliged to him/her if someone can help.
Here is the paper:


  • bidirectional half bridge.pdf
    958.7 KB · Views: 233
I am sorry I cannot help you, the paper is too dense to explain in a simple post...

But I still have a comment. Lately I've seen several papers related to power electronics conversion from individuals that are or have been associated with the University of Tennessee. It is very interesting!

I assume that Oak Ridge Labs has played a part.
I think that the voltage gain is the same as for a normal resonant half bridge.
If you see the loop control diagram output voltage is controlled with a set point as on page 531 and a gain equation is there on next page(bottom)
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