Just drive the MOSFET with a BJT to boost the voltage. Use a 2n3904 set up for a gain of 2-5. I don't have access to my schematic software right now, but a common emitter configuration with a 300ohm emitter resistor and a 1K collector resistor will do it. Follow that with a secone 3904 in common collector with the emitter connectd to the MOSFET gate. There are websites devoted to using ignition coils that have drawings to show how to do that. If you don't have one after the weekend, I'll draw one up when I get back to the office.
Almost forgot; if you use the bjt as a voltage gain element, you'll have to reverse the sequence from the PLC. "Off" will then become "ON" and visa-versa, because the common emitter inverts the signal. If it in not possible to do that, you can use a emitter-coupled pair, or else we can figure out something else.