I'll Stop IT

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Active Member
Thank you all, my friends...
India is not the place for curious people like me.
I'll stop asking questions, I'll stop thinking about new ideas and innovations.
It's a paradise for muggers, its a place to earn money but not knowledge.
India's Education System is controlled by Muggers, and i cant change it.
I Need to survive, so i'm stopping it.
I'll start mugging things like everyone else and be a good Indian engineer.
I again thank all my friends who made me know many things through ETO.
Bad day?
Someone stole his something or other?
Goodbye to ETO? Well Okay we all felt like that a few times over as well.

For what its worth our educational system in the states is ran mostly by inept muggers and most of us don't get jack either for practical useful educations for what we spent.

Welcome to the real world!
Hi all, sorry if hurt some ppl, i made a wrong decision.
I couldn't just hold on my curiosity...
I came here to see wats happening!
I came to know that 'i cant leave ETO'.
I'm not saying BYE now.

Ok r.vittalkiran,
You can come back now...
(This usually works with my wife)
LOL... same happened to me...
You couldn't hurt us!
We are all just computer generated personalties based on basket case profiles that came from some physiology lab patient study records!

Oh ya, and the reason you cant keep from coming back here it because you are either off your OCD meds or perhaps you need to get some.

Just trying to cheer you up while playing down what makes us so interesting.

Now you may just keep coming back to see where this all goes next, IF anywhere.
Hi guys, I'm back. My sister just came back, so this is my opportunity to use her broadband again.

Vittalikran, Mvs sarma is from India, and he's also a guru here. Relax. You can still be a Guru.
I am an electronics guru but I am not an Indian.
There seems to be an awful lot of Indians (and Chinese and Arabs) in Canada today. When I went to school I never saw one.
Unfortunately, another person succumbs to lebohangmaphothoane, that mind-altering drug!
There seems to be an awful lot of Indians (and Chinese and Arabs) in Canada today.

If I am remembering my Canadian and American history corectly someone else said the same thing about the white man a while back.
I think audioguru neither comes under British nor French invaders...

He might be a 'aboriginal peoples' of ancient Canada.

I have "white skin", not red, brown, yellow or black. I read, write and speak only English but I learned French in school many years ago.
My ancestors came from Europe.

When North America was discovered, the "invaders" thought it was India so they called the aboriginal people "Indians".
Actually, I think the first aboriginal indians walked from Japan over part of Siberia, then over the Alaska Pan-handle to North America. Some continued walking or paddling boats to South America. There were probably a lot more bears than people.

There are still about one million aboriginal indians in Canada.
Careful what you tell our neighbors in North America, on my last visit to EPCOT in Disney World Orlando I went to the **broken link removed** Other than the Rockies they show polar bears, Aboriginals and mounted police on horses and the building is built from wood log. I thought this did not represent Canada very well or perhaps they could have indicated it was like this hundreds of years ago.

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Many Americans think Canada has snow all the time. They should look at a map to see that most populated cities in Canada are only a few miles from the US border and some parts of Canada have American states pretty far toward the north.
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