I'll Stop IT

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Millions of weirdos are coming to Canada as "refugees" then they stay in hotels for free, get fed in restaurants for free and get free medical care while they wait for years for immigration results. They still dress in the costumes they wore in their country, talk in the same foreign language and keep their weird customs and religion. They do nothing for Canada except drain the resources.
But I am a Canadian taxpayer and I am paying for them!. Why?
They do nothing for Canada except drain the resources.
But I am a Canadian taxpayer and I am paying for them!. Why?

Obviously they know something you and I dont.
I dream of living in Canada.


I'd also like to visit and know how exceptional this Canada is.....!

Many Americans think Canada has snow all the time. They should look at a map to see that most populated cities in Canada are only a few miles from the US border and some parts of Canada have American states pretty far toward the north.

AG, if you are ready we will together go for hunting polar bears on the northern part
AG, if you are ready we will together go for hunting polar bears on the northern part

I don't like to be cold so I stay in my fairly warm city that is beside Lake Ontario that keeps it fairly warm in winter and keeps it from being too hot in summer.
Polar bears are very far away from me. I have many squirrels around my neighbourhood.
After hearing AG, I think I want to move to Canada. Sounds quite nice, not sure what your idea of warm is though. You really should paint a bleak picture so no one will want to move there. When I worked for Mitel, I do not recall any of my trips being warm, but the Country was nice and the people were very friendly..

Making a trip from Florida to Canada, and you didn't find it warm? - not really a surprise!
Canada is huge. I think it is 5000km from the West to the East.
On the West coast it rains nearly all the time but rarely gets cold enough in winter for snow.
In the middle there is no ocean nor big lake to temper the extreme cold in winter.
Around the Great Lakes the winter temperature is moderate but hot humid air comes from the Gulf of Mexico in summer.
The East coast is fairly miserable all year around.
Good point, his idea of warm might be what we call winter here. 72 is nippy. 65 or less if down right cold.
Here in Canada we get spring, summer, fall and winter.
In Florida you get hot, hot, hot, hot, alligators, hurricanes and other miserable weather.
Here in Canada we get spring, summer, fall and winter.
In Florida you get hot, hot, hot, hot, alligators, hurricanes and other miserable weather.

If not for that winter word I would be moving. The free rent and board sounded good too.

Hurricanes last for 1-4 hours if they cross over you, 1 week if you watch the weather channels on TV.

Hot is not really that bad, we have shade, AC, but the humidity and lack of a breeze, you might call it hot.
Welcome to being an American taxpayer! It's comforting to know another nation is experiencing this also.
Today it was 93 degrees F in my part of Canada. The humidity was only 44% so it felt like 104 degrees F. A thunderstorm is forcast to be here in a few minutes but it is sunny now.
Last week the high temperature for one day was only 68 degrees F. Next week a couple of days will be the same.
A thunderstorm is forcast to be here in a few minutes but it is sunny now.
That means weather forecast is same in the other part of the world also.

Media forecast: 'there may or may not be a slight chance of light showers throughout some part of the..........'

The weather is like that here in the US too. Today is supposed to be 97 F, when last week got down in the 70's!

We have had SO little rain this summer!!! All my grass is brown, the flowers barely hanging on even after getting watered twice a day. GREAT time for wildfires!!!
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