Illuminated mom-off-mom rocker

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New Member
Hi everyone,

I've been busy trying to find a suitable rocker switch for a project of mine lately. I'm looking for a mom-off-mom rocker switch with green illumination. I'm not asking anybody to go trawling the internet for me, I can do all that myself, but if anyone happens to know of a suitable switch and can easily point me in it's direction then I'd appreciate you passing it on to me!


What do you mean by mom-of-mom?

What voltage?

If it's DC (3V to 50V) then you'll want an LED but for AC line (100VAC to 250VAC) you'll want a neon lamp.
Sorry Hero, I took it that "mom" was an accepted abbreviation but perhaps it is not. I meant [momentary-on] - OFF - [momentary-on]

It's for a 12V project, not heavy duty, and LED illumination is preffered.

I've done some looking around (a fair bit actually) and I found a couple of suitable switches but they're manufactured by companies who are only really interested in selling to other companies who want to buy thounsands. I of course, only want to buy one or two!!!

I haven't yet found a distributor who sells switches suitable for my application.

See the attached information. Is that switch suitable? I've found it at

EDIT: unfortunately that switch is out of stock. Try with part no. 432-1094-ND. They are quite expensive!


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It just might be suitable eng1! The specs certainly paint a nice picture. Be nice if I could see a photo.

I'll go and check it out - thanks for that link, appreciated.

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