im a major beginer anything to suggest

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jimbobjam said:
would this work? if the sensors were like wall sensors

That would not work with the vast majority of sensors. Remember the sensor is a very low current device that can't drive something as a big as a motor. Plus no processor kind of removes your ability to make it do more interesting things. It also doesn't make too much sense where the sensors are placed (it needs to be a little more complicated for wall-following).
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The battery got cutoff in my last image. Here is a new one.


  • Image6.jpg
    28.9 KB · Views: 247
ive got an idea prohaps ill start simpler and work my way up when i understand things better, is this a good idea?
It depends on how low you want to start. I started with microcontrollers from the beginning because the stuff I wanted to do from the beginning was way out of bounds what hard-wiring the circuit to behave one way could do (pretty easy to exceed). If you want to learn the absolute basics about resistors and stuff you could start low, but if you already do you shouldn't really need to since you can't do too much.

Well what you want (in it's absolute barest, simplest form) is for the right (or left) motor to stop when the right sensor on the robot says nothing is in front of it. This should give you wall-following maze-travelling behaviour. So connect the left motor to the battery. Then connect the right motor to the battery in series with a switch (or some kind of sensor-switch) that disconnects/opens when it detects nothing in front of it. Of coure, this way has many problems with it the first of which is finding a switch-type thing that will open when nothing is detected in front of it, not to mention it is blind in front.
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jackemery The Amazing Giant

jimbobjam said:
im a major beginer in electronics making stuff does anyone have any projects to suggest (in any fields)? (to make)

America's Libraries are FREE Paid for with OUR Tax Dollars. Plenty of Hobbyists Books there 100% FREE. Your Local Library can bring in books from other libraries even out of state. Maany nice Circcuits and Projects to build. Alsso check on line SEARCH for what You Want. Will find a Nice Collection Many FREE On Lone. jackemery
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