i'm a student and in search of a project proposal

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i may not be a bonifide in terms of electronics but pls help me find a good electronic based project!!!! pls...........

anyway can a certain electronic device is able to produce voltage at certain conditions- like a thermal power transistor that can produce 0.7v under the pressure of heat????? is there such thigs or other things???

can a light signal converter produce certain amount of voltage???


There are various devices which produce electricity, an obvious one is a solar cell - this produces electricity from light. For heat, a thermocouple produces electricity from heat, it's basically just two dissimilar metal wires. But you are talking fairly small amounts of electricity, particularly from a thermocouple.

Try asking a more specific question, we may be able to offer more help.
first of all, what is "the pressure of heat"

anyway what do u want to do. do u want to detect something. or do u want to produce electricity. there are different devices for both. for the detection the devices (transducers) produce a little amount of electricity to indicate the prescense of something. while if u want to convert heat into electricity the device has to convert all the heat into electrical energy.

i hope that helps

well, thank you!
what i want was to produce electricity from the heat or thermal energy!!

so if i used thermocouple- i could produce little amount of electricity-
but is it possible to produce larger electric power by either making a circiut that would amplify it, or use many thermocouple to produce more electric power.?

well to tell the truth- i'm looking for an alternative power source, which is not expensive like solar cells yet harness either heat and light energy to produce electric power!!!

tnx again!!
Well, a thermocouple isn't meant to be a powersource. you would need hundreds of 'em, and even then the amount of electricity is next to nothing...

amplifiying it won't work, because an amplfier needs a powersource...

the voltage produced by thermocouples is used to measure temperature as the voltage depends on the temperature.
A noble project for electronics student, do not be ashamed to speak of it!

Getting power from heat energy wether it be mechanical or electrical is more an engineering problem than electronic, but can suggest where and what to look at and read. I also wish you well, a fresh mind may have a new perspective and find something new that older generations have missed or ignored.

Search the web for...

Thermo mechanical generators, these are often used by the aerospace industry to power sattelites, normally they use the heat from the decay of radioactive material but any any heat source will work.

Stirling engines, often overlooked depsite it being proven technology.
As far back as 1928 Georges Claude,inventor of the neon light, built a 20 kilowatt OTS, Ocean Thermal power Supply.It worked for two years in the caribbean.
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I suspect what could be done in 1928 could be duplicated and improved upon in 2004 and may not just be limited to the oceans of the tropics, even on land , the deeper one goes the hotter it gets. In iceland for example they have a lot of volcanic activity, ground temperatures are high at shallow depths so they boil water and use steam turbines, very conventional. Now perhaps... lets suppose... could a hybrid sytem using water (or crude oil, theres an idea! the boreholes are allready drilled)
to extract the heat from the depths of granite formations in cooler geological areas to boil say ammonia and spin turbines to produce electrical power?

This next bit I have to upset some people...

Despite being non -polluting , the ecological affect/effect [can never remember which] of an ocean thermal power system is an unknown.
In theory the process should stimulate marine life at all levels, some precautions may have to be taken I grant you, but would rather an OTS on my doorstep than an experimental fusion reactor,
[I assume you all know one is going to built soon?]

The other solution , proposed nearly fifty years ago are of course are orbital power stations, huge solar collector/ water-steam or liquid metal boilers with turbines transmitting power down to earth using microwaves. This IS also proven technology, at least on a point to point basis on the earths surface. In theory a wide beam is used to prevent anybody straying into the path of the beam from being cooked alive . but as you can imagine the idea has military applications.
oh! is that's so!!!

thank you again!!!!
thank you mr. exo!!!!

so ---- i feel terrable, thermocouples won't work------
so i'm going back to my thingking cap----------------

thank you mr. tansis
hmmmm...... "thermal" sound like i really need extreme amount of heat power!!!!!!!
i'll try those what you have suggested!!!!
(but aren,t they too bulky to be simple? - mean are they bulky?- well they seem sound to be big and messy!!!!)

how about light energy- do you have any suggestions regarding this- to gather electrical energy from light energy with the use of other stuffs- not solar cells- they are too expensive, well there are solar cells subtitute but does they work?

thanks again!!!!
Thermoelectric coolers will generate electricity when you have a temperature difference between the two sides. It won't be much but it might be enough to run a small motor or light a LED. Thermoelectric coolers are like silicon thermocouples stacked in groups.

Stirling engines come in all sizes, some small enough to fit in the palm of your hand!.
Even a modest size engine will run from the heat of a small candle flame or the sun with a suitable reflector
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Lots of pictures, many designs.
This one will produce power , but not much.
It could be used to charge small batteries.
The small DC electric motor/ generator is also inefficient at converting mechancial energy into electricity, the life of the carbon brushes inside this type of motor/ generator is also very short.

A bigger engine turning a car alternator in turn charging a lead acid battery ,build or buy a inverter to step up the heavy current DC supply.
Should be more than able to operate a television / computer/ refridgerator, the applications are endless.


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oh, thanks------

its fair enough for me, thanks to all!!!!

now i can start with something!!!!!

hmmmmm :lol: :lol: :lol: ..........

:?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?:
oh, thanks------

its fair enough for me, thanks to all!!!!

now i can start with something!!!!!

hmmmmm :lol: :lol: :lol: ..........

:?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?:
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