I'm feeing bad 'cause I don't follow the rules

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I started dating this girl and I feel bad that we have nothing in common and we barely talk over the phone.
It makes me feel sad because that's what couples usually do.

But you know, I've never been fond of talking over the phone, and this girl is the only one who I've ever been in love with (I'm in my mid-twenties).

Should I feel bad about all that?

Is it that bad to spend time in nature with a person you like without talking much?

No, if she is fine with the silence too, then it's not bad at all. I hate talking on the phone as well, fortunately so does my girlfriend.

In relationships everything is between you two only. Do not try to live up to other peoples rules otherwise your relationship will not last. Just talk to her about it.
Thanks Smanches

We're going tomorrow to a nice green park with beautiful views.
All I want it to enjoy the scene with her, you know.
I started dating this girl and I feel bad that we have nothing in common and we barely talk over the phone.
It makes me feel sad because that's what couples usually do.
Too many people just dont know when to shut up and just keep rabbiting on, spoting a load of bull! [/QUOTE]

But you know, I've never been fond of talking over the phone, and this girl is the only one who I've ever been in love with (I'm in my mid-twenties).

Should I feel bad about all that?
No, just go with whatever floats your (and her) boat.

Is it that bad to spend time in nature with a person you like without talking much?
No, sounds good to me.
We met today, spent some time in the park.
It was nice.
It wasn't like we were having the best time of our lives but I enjoyed being with her.
I don't know how she feels about all that.

What I like about her is that she's smart, beautiful, very different than other people.

I hope she has feelings for me, I can't tell.

It's hard for me to talk over the phone with girls, and as I work and study it's hard for me to meet her during the week.
I don't know how I can have a relationship that way.

Ron, it's not her.
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Contradictory to JimB's perspective I'd say- Do not ever ruin your equipment while trying for more and more experience -cheers and goodluck

You're French right? I can find no reason that this can't be alphastar
You shouldn't feel bad about anything that you feel, what is however important is that you BOTH feel the same way about this unimportance, the key to most successful relationships is good honest communication. Basically the original question you brought up is something you should ask her about when you're together, if you can't have that kind of conversation with her then you have some growing to do, never feel guilty about being yourself but a relationship is about what the other person wants as well. If what you want isn't what they want and you can't work out how to strike the bargain between you/me/us then the relationship won't last, doesn't mean you shouldn't try though. You never know till you try.
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