im getting a noisy output in falstad

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Ok, so something funny happened to me in falstad, and I got an audio output of an oscillator with a resistor there,
and it was just noise!??

I changed it to 1 ohm and then the 1k harmonic appeared in the noise.

This would make me think resistors are noise generators and u cant use them in synths without being a noise generator, but thats got to be false otherwise nothing else would have worked if that was true.

So im thinking, its not true, that resistors generate noise to a large degree. (I couldnt even hear the wave at all at 10 ohms) So its got to be a falstad mishap of mine, so can anyone help me here with whats going on?
as if thats going to make it any quicker clicking around everywhere getting nothing done.

Well it was you who made the silly comment "isnt it better to be able to play out of the program itself instead of having to quit out and launch things over and over." A multitasking OS (like Windows or Linux) would solve that - although I presume you're already using one or the other anyway?.
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