im looking for some free z80 or 6502 processors

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i have a few computers that i want to repair (2 x zx spectrums, an atari 800 and an atari 2600) and im sure its the cpus that are faulty. i have run diagnostic tests on all these systems and swapped out all the chips except the cpus. i just dont have any more of these in stock. any help would be appreciated.
Have you considered that most items fail in a particular way so the chips you swapped (unless swapped for new ones) could still be the faulty ones.

This is a slow thread... ZX Spectrums rarely lose the z80. Most commonly they lose the -5v and 12v rails, and then the 4116 RAMs stop working and die... The most common repair on a Spectrum is fix the rails, then replace the faulty 4116 chips.
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