I'm Moving to Australia!

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Hi Everyone,

I just wanted to let you all know that I am in the process of moving to the Gold Coast and haven't been able to respond to PM's and messages. I'll be a bit more settled in about 1 week. Then things will be back to normal!

If you do have a concern and it needs attention please PM a moderator.

Welcome to Australia. The Gold Coast is a nice area, I'm about 40 mins North of there.


sick of the earthquakes huh ?

my 2 kids are in CHCH, i am going over there for a week in early May to see how they are doing
all the best for your shift to your new digs

Hi EM,
Well mate as your moving over here a holiday in SA must be on the cards. Also I could talk with a mate on hosting the website out of Sydney, I just chatted with my mate and well it's upto you.

Cheers Bryan
Well, you will need to practice the local lingo of.... G-Day-Mate..... and hope you dont mind sunshine, floods, droughts and cyclones, we have them all.

A warm welcome to Oz and hope you enjoy the life style the rest of us do.

Should you get down to SA to see Bryan1 that im sure i will hear and will endevour to catch up for a beer or 3 ( not the XXXX crap they pass as beer in QLD)

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Hi Guys,

I've landed and got setup in Broadbeach Waters (QLD) which is a fantastic place. Today I just got broadband installed (30Mb Telstra cable!) so will be online a bit more and will start to respond to outstanding PMs.

Well, watch out for drop bears! They're running rampant atm.
**broken link removed**
Yeah, things are great here in GC. It's a lot warming than Christchurch I tell you that! Yes, I'm living on a canal but no jetty. I would love to get a boat at some stage but I guess the first few things will be the house load of furniture and other stuff that we're missing - we came over with nothing at all apart from clothes

One thing I have noticed is it's really amazing just how many electronics hobbyists are locals, as in Aussies! Center of the world we are I reckon!
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