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  • Welcome to our site! Electro Tech is an online community (with over 170,000 members) who enjoy talking about and building electronic circuits, projects and gadgets. To participate you need to register. Registration is free. Click here to register now.

i'm new here, and i have questions about my first electronic project

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New Member
Hello everybody, i’am glad to find this forum, I think this forum are very good for the newbie in electronic like me who want to ask somes questions to the pro and to exchange
With everybody here who take seriously the electronic projects.

my mother language are french, so i prefer to learn electronic in english, so if you have some difficulty with my non-perfect english, tell me please, and please answer me with the conventional terme used in electronic, and for other words, use simple as possible please because i am not perfect bilingual ok.

I am new in electronic, and i learn by myself with books and internet, even i dont have experience, exept to repair little things and deconstruct such devices i founded in the garbage to try to understand mechanism and the construction of it. I have some problems with my first one electronic project, and questions for pro like you.

I want to know how to connect wires in real life for some simple components who have more than 2 pins, I know how to read schematics, but I never see how to connect some connectors, switchs, and potentiometer.., cause in the device i deconstruct, they use pro-etching pcb and it's difficult to see the connections, and for my projects, i dont have the stuff right now to do the pro pcb, so i use wire and simple pcb to do my project and I don’t understand where to put the others wires on the components who have more than 2 pins, exept for the + and – wire and pins.

Ok first of all, like in the two first images in this page, the audio jack connector for headphone bellow. Can you explain me the purpose of each color wire, normally, and for my project schematic below too. After the connectors images, please take a look on the project shematic follow, and tell me where to put my connectors, and try to answer my others questions too because the author of my book forget to put some informations I need to know.

Here you have the top view of the audio jack (headphone connector)


1 2 3 4

Now I describe you bellow, each line to said you what they represents in my drawing:

1- the first one in your left is: headphone audio jack connector, soldered in pcb
2- the second is: two resistors (blue-silver-brown-red for the top one)
and (blue-silver-brown-silver for the one near the connector)
3- the third one is: the bus like wire cut, with 5 little colour wire (by the left, green-yellow- orange-red-lite brown)
4- the last one is: the screw hole.

Now here you have the bellow view of the same audio jack connector

*Note: the etching traces in pale green, is not a realism drawing, it just for little representation that is the bottom view.



the 8 lines from the left is:
1: the headphone audio jack connector
2: the first soldered point
3: range of 4 solder points group by 2
4: 2 ranges of 3 solder points (and i want to know for the other one is not connect on pcb and bus wire)
5: 2 ranges of 2 solder points (these one I know is for resistors)
6: range of 5 solder points (these one I know is for the bus wire type, 5 little colour wires)
7: the bus wire type, with 5 little colour wire like describe above
8: the screw hole

The question is where to connect the five little colour wires, if I have just 2 place in the schematic to put it, in the place where they put the output headphone. I ask you that because I just have these kind of audio jack in my parts bin for now and I want to make my project right now. Please answer me by each colour, first for my project below, and if some I don’t need to connect and second for any other project if i decide to use the same connector.

Here you have the project schematic who have taken in the book of electronic projects. (It’s an audio amplificators).


this schematic is a changed version by me, after I see the LM386 datasheet downloaded from internet, and I see that in my book the author make a mistake, because in the original schematic of the book, they have inverse the 5th and 6th IC pins for each IC, and I decide to re-arrange like the picture you see above, in the same way I see in the LM386 datasheet, so the input into the pin 5, and the output into the pin 6, tell me if it’s good idea ok, and if it's a good idea to switch the capacitor related in the same time, because in the original all the line with capacitors are in the bad pins, anyway i changed all the line.

Another things about the book, it’s about the author, he show a picture of the final project, but it’s like a melting chaos, and i can’t see where he put the wires exactly between pcb, and/or components, the image are too bad. Where to connect each of the 5 colour wires of the headphone audio jack in the project.

The second question is: where to connect the middle pin of the two potentiometer, I think cause I see some documentations in other exemples, that the middle pin is connect to the left one pin of the same potentiometer, it is right? Euh I don’t remember right now if I see which one is the minus sign, and which are the + sign, can you tell me please cause I forget where in my huge electronic library where I see that thing.

Another question is: ok he give me the amount of micro-farad for all the capacitors, but he forgot to give me the amount of voltage for each capacitors, and I want help to know if a make a good choice in my choice to decide by myself; take a look of my decision below ok:

-The two 10 microfarad capacitors I found in my parts bin have 16 volt maybe I have another
-The two 0.1 microfarad capacitors I found have 50 volt, I don’t have another and these two with the same values they don’t have the same dimension, one is little than the other, but is all the same kind, electrolytic polarized.
- and the two 220 microfarad capacitors I found have 10 volt.

*note: all the 6 capacitors I take, is all electrolytic polarized capacitors, is it ok? Cause the author don’t specified in the book.

Another question is about the switch on/off, in my part bin, I just have one with many pins, I have two one in my part bin who have 6 pins each, I think it’s a DPDT double inverser, but I don’t know here I connect the six pin in my project above, I saw in documentation, one with 6 pins, but only 4 was used , and they it, DPST double interrupter, I think because the last two pin are there but with big X on it. How to know what kind of the two mine, on the one, they write on it: japan ALPS, on the other side write the number a the top: 2-92 and below the first is the number: 8-21 and 830 in middle. For the second switch I have the write on it is: nothing, but I know it from power on/off, but it on little pcb, where come with 2 X 3 kits of wires and a component look like square capacitor green gloss, with theses inscription on it: 2A104K and on the little pcb it’s write the inscriptions:WSM 31 follow by little triangle and logoRJ inverse010GPS35004A. can you tell me first, what is the purpose of the 6 pins, and where to put in my project, and schematic, the switch??? It is between +9V and first connection with pin 5 of the first LM386 IC?????

Ok that’s it for this projects, and thank you for your attention and help.
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I don't know the connections on your headphones circuit board.

You have the LM386 amplifiers connected wrong. You have pin 5 as the positive supply when pin 5 is the output and pin 6 is the positive supply pin.
I think the gain pots are in the wrong location.
I think the 1k resistors should be 10k ohms.
The microphones are supposed to have a ground wire.

The supply voltage is 9V so the voltage rating of the capacitors should be more.

Be very careful that the microphones cannot hear the speakers in the headphones or it will produce extremely loud acoustical feedback howling that will damage your hearing.

i dont understand why nobody answer me about my question, first audioguru, if you take the lm386 datasheet you will see exactly the pins arrangment same like i do here, i think the datasheet is right. but the rest of your answer dont help me, but mix me more, and it's not the goal i think. and i dont understand why you said you dont know about the connection of the headphone, it's not a part of the question, do you really read or not???? and the connectors wirering, i think it's the very primary knowledge for the people how are comfortable with electronic's like it' seem to me at the first view of the forum, and i dont understand why i dont have answer. maybe i'am in the wrong forum, because i'm new in electronic and i'm not a rich one or maybe all people here are too busy to answer me about the simple questions of the connector wirering. why the book sell about thousand and thousand of copy, make all you said error audioguru, it's not a book of cooking, it's electronic's book, it's serious, and it's serious to help new electronician to not put they're live in danger. the book i talk about it's the series of evil genius, and this project who the author forget to put some informations like capacitor's voltage, is the spy ears, noting more than a very amplifier audio to ear bugs and other small animals, or for the real evil to ear some conversation, if they are very paranoid.

anyway i'm little bit frustrate this after noon to constate my very detail question have not much answer to help me now. and audioguru why you said that kind of thing to mix me more and dont explain why you said that you said, and why you answer the only question i dont request here??? i think this kind of series of book are serious, but just some error due to print or due to some error of the author they dont see it, it's the only reason i see for the difference i saw between the book project and the datasheet of lm386.

it is a forum of people who think we dont have right to learn by ourself with help of the other who have money to go to school, it's a forum where the information share with gentelness to other??? i have this question today about the only mixed answer i have, comparated to other thread in this forum.

tell me please because my time are important too. and i dont understand what i see today here.
audioguru, if you take the lm386 datasheet you will see exactly the pins arrangment same like i do here, i think the datasheet is right.
You have the pin numbers on the LM386 wrong.
Your LM386 amplifiers are also missing the series RC at each output that stop them from oscillating.

i dont understand why you said you dont know about the connection of the headphone
Your headpones seem to have 4 wires but most headphones have 3 wires. Maybe the 4th wire on your headphones is for a microphone. I don't know which wire does what.

tell me please because my time are important too. and i dont understand what i see today here.
Your English is bad. I cannot understand what you say. Maybe you should ask on a forum in France (Quebec?).
Bon jour 3Dfreakout,

first a welcome to the forum.

I must admit that I didn't understand much what you were asking.

From my experience I tend to forget about a thread if it reads like a book. I'd rather prefer short and precise description of situations and also short and precise questions.

Further I wonder why you see the need to connect single wires to the PCB, although there seems to be a connector attached to it.

There also no reason to be frustrated if one member points out errors you made with your design. Assuming your design is correct and working you won't have to ask for advise.

Last not least, nobody is interested in how poor or rich you are. In this matter you are completely on the "Holzweg" (German expression for the absolutely wrong path) :D

Instead of drawing (nice coloured) pictures it would probably be better to post photos of the PCB showing the solder and component side. :)


P.S. I suspect you are living in Southern France, where people are to upset very easily. :D
Your English is bad. I cannot understand what you say. Maybe you should ask on a forum in France (Quebec?).

Hi audioguru, why so harsh?

a little objection here: 3Dfreak's English isn't worse than many within that forum. I can understand most of his description, but electronics demand 100% understanding.

Let me take this opportunity to point out, that even Anglo-Saxons have difficulties with correct word spelling. Nevertheless I do not see any problem with that fact. :D (at the most a gentle smile. :) )

In addition to the missing mic ground connections: the earphones are lacking them, too. :D

You suould correct the wiring to the 386 as suggested by audioguru, as for the headphone PCB, we cannot give any further information based on what you have told us, if you have a multimeter or continuity tester, plug in a headphone plug and meter accross to find which connects to which cable, you only need 3 cables form the socket PCB, left, right and common ground, disregard all the rest, (you will probably find that some of the other wires are switched by inserting the headphone plug, and you could use this to switch your circuit on or off depending how it is wired) Your 0.1uf input capacitors will need to be non polarised, probably ceramics would be best.
I have tried to make it as simple as I can for you, if you have any other question please politley ask, but please bear in mind that we are here to help each other, and sometimes languages or translations can get in the way of what we are trying to say being polite costs nothing and earns a lot;), good luck with your project. Karl.
this schematic is a changed version by me, after I see the LM386 datasheet downloaded from internet, and I see that in my book the author make a mistake, because in the original schematic of the book, they have inverse the 5th and 6th IC pins for each IC, and I decide to re-arrange like the picture you see above, in the same way I see in the LM386 datasheet, so the input into the pin 5, and the output into the pin 6, tell me if it’s good idea ok, and if it's a good idea to switch the capacitor related in the same time, because in the original all the line with capacitors are in the bad pins, anyway i changed all the line.

This is sad. The original schematic from the book is correct but OP thinks it isn't and decided to swap pin 5 and pin 6, apparently after reading the LM386 datasheet he downloaded from somewhere.

Could be someone has played a big joke on him by swapping the pin5 and pin6 in the datasheet and offer it for download and cause his problem.

I would suggest the OP to get the "original" LM386 datasheet from National Semiconductor, here.

LM386 datasheet

Of course i double checked the power supply pins in the data sheet,
but just in case i compared them to a reference design from
February 1975.
The pins agree with the newer data sheet link, in that pin 6 is
the power supply pin, not pin 5, as pin 5 is the output. The
PC board design is the same too, so if they made a mistake it
was not corrected since Feb 1975 to Aug 2000.
This is the first thing that has to be corrected and acknowledged
by the OP.
I guess someone could set up a circuit just to make sure.

I think i would look for another amplifier anyway as these little
guys have a nasty output distortion associated with them.
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I also have check it against the National Semiconductor data sheet, and agree that the OP was wrong.

3Dfreakout, if you still have it can you please post a copy of the data sheet you have, and if you are going ahead and building your circuit, please follow the pin wiring as shown in your origional circuit diagram, not the data sheet you have which is totaly wrong.

Pin 5 is the output
Pin 6 is the supply
I emphasize this to save you destroying your chips, Karl.
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