I'm selling my BS2 IC plus some stuff to start

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Hi all, i don't know if i can post this here, but here it goes:
I'm selling my Parallax BS2 IC Module with an USB to SERIAL(RS-232) Adapter, and an free cd-rom (if i can find it) with tools, examples, help files and tuturials from Parallax itself (i got this one at a special ocasion, they don't sell them).
I can ship it to all Europe i guess, but since i'm from Portugal, i prefer to ship it to Portugal !
Make your offers, but remember that this is not any bidding contest or anything, make your offer and its done, exclude the shipment tax from your bidding.

(if this is inapropriate to post here, please delete this post and accept my sorrys)

Thank you all !
Put it on eBay, I've recently posted a whole bunch of old electronic stuff there. Including an old $499 Parallax Clearview 5x for only $1
What is your user name, bill? i want to have a look at some of the stuff... so i can gather more stuff.
Yeah, i figured that out after i typed in "Parallax Clearview 5x"... It was the only one on there...
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